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DockingEventArgs(DockPanel, Control, Point, DockingStyle, Boolean, Int32) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the DockingEventArgs class.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public DockingEventArgs(
    DockPanel panel,
    Control target,
    Point dragPoint,
    DockingStyle dock,
    bool targetTabbed,
    int index


Name Type Description
panel DockPanel

A DockPanel object which represents the processed dock panel. This value is assigned to the DockPanelEventArgs.Panel property.

target Control

A Control descendant which represents the target control the panel is being docked to. This value is assigned to the DockingEventArgs.TargetForm or DockingEventArgs.TargetPanel properties.

dragPoint Point

A Point structure which specifies the current position of the mouse pointer, in screen coordinates. This value is assigned to the DockingEventArgs.DragPoint property.

dock DockingStyle

A DockingStyle enumeration value which specifies how the dock panel would be docked to the target control. This value is assigned to the DockingEventArgs.Dock property.

targetTabbed Boolean

true if the dock panel will represent a tab within a tab container if dropped; otherwise, false. This value is assigned to the DockingEventArgs.TargetTabbed property.

index Int32

A zero-based integer specifying the position of the current panel within the owning collection. This value is assigned to the DockingEventArgs.Index property.

See Also