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DockManager.Sizing Event

Fires when the dock panel is being resized.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public event SizingEventHandler Sizing

Event Data

The Sizing event's data class is SizingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Cancel Gets or sets whether the operation performed on the processed panel should be cancelled. Inherited from DockPanelCancelEventArgs.
NewSize Gets the dock panel’s new size.
Panel Gets the processed dock panel. Inherited from DockPanelEventArgs.
PtClient Gets the mouse pointer’s coordinates relative to the top-left corner of the control.
SidePanel Returns the panel that resizes together with the panel dragged by an end-user.
SizingSide Gets the edge of the dock panel which is being dragged. Inherited from StartSizingEventArgs.


Handle the Sizing event to perform actions while the dock panel is being resized. This event fires each time the panel’s width or height is changed by an end-user.

The event parameter’s DockPanelEventArgs.Panel property represents the dock panel being resized. The StartSizingEventArgs.SizingSide property represents the dock panel’s dragging edge. The SizingEventArgs.PtClient property specifies the current coordinates of the mouse pointer, in client coordinates. To cancel the operation set the DockPanelCancelEventArgs.Cancel property to true.

Refer to the Controlling Resizing Operations document for more information.

See Also