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SuperToolTip.Items Property

Gets the collection of objects that represent regions (title, content, etc.) in a super tooltip.

Namespace: DevExpress.Utils

Assembly: DevExpress.Utils.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Utils, DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public ToolTipItemCollection Items { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

The collection of objects that represent regions (title, content, etc.) in a super tooltip.


A super tooltip consists of multiple regions: title, content, footer, separators. Use the Items property to access/add/remove objects that represent the regions:

  • ToolTipItem — the main region in a super tooltip that displays text and/or image.
  • ToolTipTitleItem — a region displayed at the top (title) or bottom (footer) of a tooltip. This region differs from the main region in default appearance settings.
  • ToolTipSeparatorItem — a horizontal line in a tooltip.

Regions are displayed in the tooltip one under another in the same order as in the collection.


The following examples demonstrate two different approaches to create a super tooltip ( SuperToolTip ) and assign in to a bar item. The super tooltip includes the title, main content, separator, and footer.


Example 1

using DevExpress.Utils;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

void CreateSuperTooltip(BarItem barItem) {
  SuperToolTip superTip = new SuperToolTip();
  ToolTipItem item = new ToolTipItem();
  if(barItem.ImageOptions.SvgImage != null)
      item.ImageOptions.SvgImage = barItem.ImageOptions.SvgImage;
  item.Text = "Transform data to its most appropriate and readable visual representation. Insert bar charts, pie graphs, line graphs, or financial diagrams.";
  ToolTipItem footer = new ToolTipItem();
  superTip.AllowHtmlText = DefaultBoolean.True;
  footer.Text = "<a href=\"\">Learn more</a>";
  superTip.Items.AddTitle("Add a Chart");
  barItem.SuperTip = superTip;

Example 2

Create the SuperToolTipSetupArgs object, customize its settings, and pass it to the SuperToolTip.Setup method.

using DevExpress.Utils;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

void SetupSuperTooltip(BarItem barItem) {
  SuperToolTip superTip = new SuperToolTip();
  SuperToolTipSetupArgs args = new SuperToolTipSetupArgs();
  args.Title.Text = "Add a Chart";
  args.Contents.Text = "Transform data to its most appropriate and readable visual representation. Insert bar charts, pie graphs, line graphs, or financial diagrams.";
  if(barItem.ImageOptions.SvgImage != null)
      args.Contents.ImageOptions.SvgImage = barItem.ImageOptions.SvgImage;
  args.ShowFooterSeparator = true;
  args.Footer.Text = "<a href=\"\">Learn more</a>";
  superTip.AllowHtmlText = DefaultBoolean.True;
  barItem.SuperTip = superTip;
See Also