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Features Indicator

  • 2 minutes to read

This document introduces the Features Indicator design-time feature and describes how it can be used to adjust the settings of your SchedulerControl in more intuitive and convenient ways.

After adding a SchedulerControl to a form at design time, you can see the Features Indicator shown in its top-right corner. This is the unique design-time feature of the SchedulerControl, and it allows you to adjust the settings of the SchedulerControl and its SchedulerStorage, to ensure that they’ll function as desired, and all data necessary will be provided at runtime.


To switch off the Features Indicator, set the SchedulerControl.ShowFeaturesIndicator property to false.

Typically, the Features Indicator appears as shown:


The following table lists the main features which are tracked by the Features Indicator, along with functions available for settings adjustment.

Item Description
Storage Assigned Indicates whether the SchedulerControl.Storage property is set to any SchedulerStorage instance.
Data Binding Mode Indicates whether the PersistentObjectStorage<T>.DataSource property of the SchedulerControl.Storage.Appointments object is set to any Data Source.
Supports Recurrence Indicates whether the AppointmentMappingInfo.Type and AppointmentMappingInfo.RecurrenceInfo properties of the SchedulerControl.Storage.Appointments.Mappings object are mapped to specific data fields.
Supports Reminders Indicates whether the AppointmentMappingInfo.ReminderInfo property of the SchedulerControl.Storage.Appointments.Mappings object is mapped to a specific data field.
Supports Resource Sharing Indicates whether the AppointmentStorageBase.ResourceSharing property of the SchedulerControl.Storage.Appointments object is set to true.
Day Calendar Indicates whether the SchedulerViewBase.Enabled property of the SchedulerControl.Views.DayView object is set to true.
Work Week Calendar Indicates whether the SchedulerViewBase.Enabled property of the SchedulerControl.Views.WorkWeekView object is set to true.
Week Calendar Indicates whether the SchedulerViewBase.Enabled property of the SchedulerControl.Views.WeekView object is set to true.
Month Calendar Indicates whether the SchedulerViewBase.Enabled property of the SchedulerControl.Views.MonthView object is set to true.
Timeline Calendar Indicates whether the SchedulerViewBase.Enabled property of the SchedulerControl.Views.TimelineView object is set to true.
Required Mapping ‘Start’ Indicates whether the AppointmentMappingInfo.Start property of the SchedulerControl.Storage.Appointments.Mappings object is mapped to a specific data field.
Required Mapping ‘End’ Indicates whether the AppointmentMappingInfo.End property of the SchedulerControl.Storage.Appointments.Mappings object is mapped to a specific data field.