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Property Grid

  • 7 minutes to read

The PropertyGridControl reveals an object’s properties and allows you to modify them while the application is running.

Property Grid - Landing

Select an Inspected Object

To inspect and modify an object’s settings, assign it to the PropertyGridControl.SelectedObject property.

At runtime, you can specify the SelectedObject in code to browse and modify any business object’s settings. In the figure below, the LookUpEdit is bound to a list that contains records. Selecting a record fires the RepositoryItem.EditValueChanged event, which allows you to browse the selected Product.

PropertyGrid - SelectedObject Product

//binding the lookup
lookUpEdit1.Properties.DataSource = initSampleData();
lookUpEdit1.Properties.DisplayMember = "Name";
lookUpEdit1.Properties.EditValueChanged += Properties_EditValueChanged;

//showing records in the Property Grid
private void Properties_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    propertyGridControl1.SelectedObject = (Product)lookUpEdit1.EditValue;

//lookup data
public List<Product> initSampleData() {
    List<Product> result = new List<Product>();
    result.Add(new Product("FC GTX FE", "Fullcover GPU Blocks", 95.80f, "Nickel"));
    //. . .
    return result;

//data records
public class Product {
    public Product(string name, string category, float price, string color) {
        Name = name; Category = category; Price = price; Color = color;
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Category { get; set; }
    public float Price { get; set; }
    public string Color { get; set; }

Inspect Multiple Objects

You can use the PropertyGridControl.SelectedObject property to choose a single object whose properties you want to inspect, and the PropertyGridControl.SelectedObjects collection to access an array of inspected objects. In this case, the Property Grid control displays only those properties which apply to all objects in this array.

Filter Retrieved Rows

If you need to hide specific Property Grid rows, handle the PropertyGridControl.CustomPropertyDescriptors event. The following code illustrates how to hide a row generated for the “Price” data source field.

private void PropertyGridControl1_CustomPropertyDescriptors(object sender, DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Events.CustomPropertyDescriptorsEventArgs e) {
     e.Properties = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(
            .Where(p => p.Name != "Price").ToArray());

See also: How to: Filter an object’s properties using the CustomPropertyDescriptors event | How to: Sort properties using the CustomPropertyDescriptors event

Customize Auto-Generated Rows

In the example above, all Property Grid rows are generated automatically based on the selected object type and properties. You can also create and modify rows manually. Rows are stored in the VGridControlBase.Rows collection and can be retrieved either from this collection by row indexes, or by calling the VGridControlBase.GetRowByFieldName method in code. The code below applies the currency formatting to auto-generated “Price” rows.

PropertyGrid - Currency Format

private void Properties_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    propertyGridControl1.SelectedObject = (Product)lookUpEdit1.EditValue;

//Changing cell display format
private void PropertyGridControl1_DataSourceChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    propertyGridControl1.GetRowByFieldName("Price").Properties.Format.FormatType = DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.Numeric;
    propertyGridControl1.GetRowByFieldName("Price").Properties.Format.FormatString = "C2";

Manually Add Rows

Invoke the Property Grid smart tag and click “Run Designer”. Switch to the Designer’s “Rows” tab and click the “Add (EditorRow)” button to manually add a row.

PropertyGrid - Add Rows

These regular data rows are EditorRow class objects.


A control does not automatically create additional rows if a Property Grid contains at least one manually created data row.

Nested Rows

In the Designer “Row” tab, drag one row to another to create a row hierarchy.

Property Grid - Parent-Child Rows


Related API * BaseRow.Expanded - gets or sets whether this parent row is expanded.

To drag a child row from its parent back to the top level, drag-and-drop it while holding down the “Ctrl” key.

Populate Manually Created Rows

Rows you add manually display nothing at runtime. You can populate such rows in two different ways:

  • When you need rows with values not associated with SelectedObject properties, create unbound rows that derive from the System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor class and handle the PropertyGridControl.CustomPropertyDescriptors event. See this example to learn more.
  • If manually added rows should display SelectedObject property values, assign these property names to row RowProperties.FieldName properties.

    row.Properties.FieldName = "Price";

Multi-Editor Rows

Multi-editor rows (MultiEditorRow objects) combine multiple simple data rows into one row.

Property Grid - Multieditor Row

At design time you can create multi-editor rows in the Property Grid Designer.

Property Grid - Add Multieditor Row

To populate a multi-editor row, modify the MultiEditorRow.PropertiesCollection. Each collection item represents a regular EditorRow with standard row settings - Caption, FieldName, etc.

Property Grid - Properties Collection

The following sample illustrates how to add a multi-editor row in code:

MultiEditorRow meRow = new MultiEditorRow();
meRow.PropertiesCollection.Add(new MultiEditorRowProperties() { FieldName = "Name", Caption = "Full Name" });
meRow.PropertiesCollection.Add(new MultiEditorRowProperties() { FieldName = "Category", Caption = "Product Category" });
meRow.PropertiesCollection.Add(new MultiEditorRowProperties() { FieldName = "Color", Caption = "Color" });

Category Rows

Category rows allow you to organize multiple data rows into a group and provide a caption for it.

Property Grid - Category

To add categories at design time, go to the Designer “Rows” tab and use the “Add” button’s drop-down menu. Then drag-and-drop regular data rows onto this category to populate it.


Related API * BaseRow.Expanded - allows you to manually expand and collapse categories.

In code, the CategoryRow class instances represent categories. The following sample illustrates how to add a category:

CategoryRow cRow = new CategoryRow();
cRow.Properties.Caption = "Main Specs";
cRow.ChildRows.AddRange(new BaseRow[] { row1, row2, row3 });
cRow.Expanded = false;
propertyGridControl1.Rows.Insert(cRow, propertyGridControl1.Rows.Count - 1);

Fixed Rows

If a Property Grid control is too small to display all rows at once, it shows a vertical scrollbar. Rows can anchor to the control’s top or bottom edge and remain visible as users scroll through records. To make a row fixed, specify its BaseRow.Fixed property. In the following animation, the “Appearance” category is anchored to the control’s top:

Property Grid - Fixed Rows


The BaseRow.Fixed property is in effect only for top-tier rows. If a row is another row’s child or belongs to a category, it cannot be anchored. Alternatively, specify the parent row’s Fixed property.

You can use the VGridControlBase.FixedTopRows and VGridControlBase.FixedBottomRows collections to retrieve fixed rows.

Find Panel

A Property Grid can display the Find Panel to help end-users locate the required settings by their names. To invoke this tool, press “Ctrl+F” at runtime.

Property Grid - Find


Related API * VGridControlBase.FindPanelVisible - specifies whether the find panel is initially shown.

  • VGridControlBase.OptionsFind - provides advanced Find Panel options that allow you to hide specific buttons, change the auto-search delay, specify whether the results should be highlighted, etc.
See Also