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DataControlBase Members

Serves as a base for classes that represents data-aware controls (e.g. GridControl).


Name Description
ActiveEditorProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ActiveEditor dependency property.
ActualShowFilterPanelProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ActualShowFilterPanel dependency property.
AllowCommitOnValidationAttributeErrorProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.AllowCommitOnValidationAttributeError dependency property.
AllowLeaveInvalidEditorProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.AllowLeaveInvalidEditor dependency property.
AllowLiveDataShapingProperty static Identifies the AllowLiveDataShaping dependency property.
AlternateRowBackgroundPaletteProperty static Identifies the AlternateRowBackgroundPalette dependency property.
AlternateRowBackgroundProperty static Identifies the AlternateRowBackground dependency property.
AlternationCountProperty static Identifies the AlternationCount dependency property.
AutoFilterRowHandle Gets the handle of the Automatic Filter Row.
AutoGenerateColumnsProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.AutoGenerateColumns dependency property.
AutoScrollOnSortingProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.AutoScrollOnSorting dependency property.
AutoWidthProperty static Identifies the AutoWidth dependency property.
ColumnHeaderStyleProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ColumnHeaderStyle dependency property.
ColumnHeaderTemplateProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ColumnHeaderTemplate dependency property.
ColumnHeaderTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ColumnHeaderTemplateSelector dependency property.
ColumnHeaderToolTipTemplateProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ColumnHeaderToolTipTemplate dependency property.
CommandsProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.Commands dependency property.
CurrentColumnProperty static Identifies the CurrentColumn dependency property.
CurrentItemProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.CurrentItem dependency property.
FilterCriteriaProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.FilterCriteria dependency property.
FilterPanelTextProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.FilterPanelText dependency property.
FilterStringProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.FilterString dependency property.
FixedTotalSummaryItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.FixedTotalSummaryItemTemplate dependency property.
HasValidationErrorProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.HasValidationError dependency property.
HighlightRowOnHoverProperty static Identifies the HighlightRowOnHover dependency property.
HorizontalScrollBarVisibilityProperty static Identifies the HorizontalScrollBarVisibility dependency property.
IncrementalLoadingThresholdProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.IncrementalLoadingThreshold dependency property.
InvalidRowHandle Gets the handle of a row which does not exist in a grid.
InvalidRowIndex Gets the index of a row which does not exist in the GridControl.
IsFilterEnabledProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.IsFilterEnabled dependency property.
IsSearchPanelVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsSearchPanelVisible dependency property.
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem dependency property.
ItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ItemsSource dependency property.
NavigationStyleProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.NavigationStyle dependency property.
NewItemRowHandle Gets the handle of the New Item Row.
NewItemRowPositionProperty static Identifies the NewItemRowPosition dependency property.
PredefinedFormatsProperty static Identifies the PredefinedFormats dependency property.
PreserveSortingProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.PreserveSorting dependency property.
RowIndicatorHeaderTemplateProperty static Identifies the RowIndicatorHeaderTemplate dependency property.
RowIndicatorStyleSettingsProperty static Identifies the RowIndicatorStyleSettings dependency property.
RowIndicatorTemplateProperty static Identifies the RowIndicatorTemplate dependency property.
RowIndicatorWidthProperty static Identifies the RowIndicatorWidth dependency property.
RowMinHeightProperty static Identifies the RowMinHeight dependency property.
RowStyleSettingsProperty static Identifies the RowStyleSettings dependency property.
SearchColumnsProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SearchColumns dependency property.
SearchDelayProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SearchDelay dependency property.
SearchPanelAllowFilterProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SearchPanelAllowFilter dependency property.
SearchPanelClearOnCloseProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SearchPanelClearOnClose dependency property.
SearchPanelCriteriaOperatorTypeProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SearchPanelCriteriaOperatorType dependency property.
SearchPanelFindFilterProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SearchPanelFindFilter dependency property.
SearchPanelFindModeProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SearchPanelFindMode dependency property.
SearchPanelHighlightResultsProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SearchPanelHighlightResults dependency property.
SearchPanelHighlightSettingsProperty static Identifies the SearchPanelHighlightSettings dependency property.
SearchStringProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SearchString dependency property.
SelectedItemProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SelectedItem dependency property.
SelectedItemsProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SelectedItems dependency property.
SelectionModeProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SelectionMode dependency property.
ShowAutoFilterRowProperty static Identifies the ShowAutoFilterRow dependency property.
ShowColumnHeadersProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ShowColumnHeaders dependency property.
ShowFilterPanelModeProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ShowFilterPanelMode dependency property.
ShowFixedTotalSummaryProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ShowFixedTotalSummary dependency property.
ShowLoadingPanelProperty static Identifies the ShowLoadingPanel dependency property.
ShowRowIndicatorProperty static Identifies the ShowRowIndicator dependency property.
ShowSearchPanelModeProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ShowSearchPanelMode dependency property.
ShowTotalSummaryProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ShowTotalSummary dependency property.
SummariesIgnoreNullValuesProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.SummariesIgnoreNullValues dependency property.
TopRowIndexProperty static Identifies the TopRowIndex dependency property.
TotalSummaryContentStyleProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.TotalSummaryContentStyle dependency property.
TotalSummaryItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.TotalSummaryItemTemplate dependency property.
ValidationErrorProperty static Identifies the DataControlBase.ValidationError dependency property.
VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty static Identifies the VerticalScrollBarVisibility dependency property.
VisibleColumnsProperty static Identifies the VisibleColumns dependency property.


Name Description
ActiveEditor Gets the active editor. This is a dependency property.
ActualShowFilterPanel Gets whether the filter panel is displayed within a grid. This is a dependency property.
AllowCommitOnValidationAttributeError Gets or sets whether or not a cell’s value that has failed validation specified by the Data Annotations attribute(s), can be posted to a data source. This is a dependency property.
AllowLeaveInvalidEditor Gets or sets whether an editor that did not pass validation can lose focus. This is a dependency property.
AllowLiveDataShaping Gets or sets whether the GridControl recalculates data shaping operations (for example, sort and filter operations or summary calculation) when you modify a data source outside the grid.
AlternateRowBackground Gets or sets a brush used to paint the background of alternate rows. This is a dependency property.
AlternateRowBackgroundPalette Gets or sets a palette used to paint the background of alternate rows. This is a dependency property.
AlternationCount Gets or sets the alternate row frequency. This is a dependency property.
AutoGenerateColumns Gets or sets whether columns should be created automatically for all fields in a data source. This is a dependency property.
AutoScrollOnSorting Gets or sets whether a grid is automatically scrolled after the order of rows has been changed. This is a dependency property.
AutoWidth Gets or sets whether column widths are automatically changed so that the total column width matches the grid width.
ColumnHeaderStyle Gets or sets the column header’s style. This is a dependency property.
ColumnHeaderTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of column header content. This is a dependency property.
ColumnHeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a column header template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
ColumnHeaderToolTipTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of a column header’s tooltip. This is a dependency property.
Columns Gets a collection of the GridControl’s columns.
Commands Provides access to grid commands. This is a dependency property.
CurrentColumn Gets or sets a column that contains the focused cell.
CurrentItem Gets or sets the currently focused data row.
CurrentRowHandle Gets or sets the focused row’s handle.
FilterCriteria Gets or sets the grid’s filter criteria. This is a dependency property.
FilterPanelText Gets the text displayed within the Filter Panel. This is a dependency property.
FilterString Gets or sets the grid’s filter expression. This is a dependency property.
FixedSummariesLeft Gets total summaries displayed within the Fixed Summary Panel and aligned to the left.
FixedSummariesRight Gets total summaries displayed within the Fixed Summary Panel and aligned to the right.
FixedTotalSummaryItemTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of total summary items. This is a dependency property.
FontFamily Gets or sets the GridControl‘s font family.
FontSize Gets or sets the GridControl‘s font size.
FontStretch Gets or sets the GridControl‘s font stretch.
FontStyle Gets or sets a text style applied to the GridControl.
FontWeight Gets or sets the GridControl‘s font weight.
Foreground Gets or sets a brush that describes the GridControl‘s foreground.
FormatConditions Stores conditional formats applied to the GridControl.
HasValidationError Gets whether a validation error has been defined for the grid. This is a dependency property.
HighlightRowOnHover Gets or sets whether to highlight a row when a user hovers a mouse pointer over this row.
HorizontalScrollBarVisibility Gets or sets the horizontal scrollbar’s visibility. This is a dependence property.
IncrementalLoadingThreshold Gets or sets the threshold range that governs when the grid will begin to prefetch more row items. This is a dependency property.
IsEditing Gets whether the focused cell is currently being edited. This is a dependency property.
IsFilterEnabled Gets or sets whether the current filter is enabled. This is a dependency property.
IsSearchPanelVisible Gets whether the GridControl displays the Search Panel.
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem Gets or sets whether a grid should keep the DataControlBase.SelectedItem synchronized with the current item in the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Data.ICollectionView. This is a dependency property.
ItemsSource Gets or sets the grid’s data source. This is a dependency property.
NavigationStyle Gets or sets whether to allow users to focus rows and cells. This is a dependency property.
NewItemRowPosition Gets or sets the New Item Row‘s position within the grid. This is a dependency property.
PredefinedFormats Contains predefined formats used in conditional formatting rules. This is a dependency property.
PreserveSorting Gets or sets whether clicking a column header clears the existing sort settings. This is a dependency property.
RowStyleSettings Gets or sets style settings applied to grid rows.
SearchColumns Gets or sets the field names against which searches are performed by the Search Panel. This is a dependency property.
SearchDelay Gets or sets the amount of time in milliseconds, after which a data search is initiated (in an automatic find mode). This is a dependency property.
SearchPanelAllowFilter Gets or sets whether the grid displays only those records that match the search criteria. This is a dependency property.
SearchPanelClearOnClose Gets or sets whether to clear the search string when the Search Panel is closed. This is a dependency property.
SearchPanelCriteriaOperatorType Gets or sets the logical operator type (AND or OR). This is a dependency property.
SearchPanelFindFilter Gets or sets the type of the comparison operator used to create filter conditions. This is a dependency property.
SearchPanelFindMode Gets or sets whether data searching starts automatically, or must be started manually. This is a dependency property.
SearchPanelHighlightResults Gets or sets whether to highlight search results within located records. This is a dependency property.
SearchPanelHighlightSettings Gets or sets settings applied to search results.
SearchString Gets or sets the search string specified within the Search Panel. This is a dependency property.
SelectedItem Get or sets the currently focused data item.
SelectedItems Gets data objects that correspond to items currently selected within a grid.
SelectionMode Gets or sets whether multiple row/cell selection is enabled. This is a dependency property.
ShowAutoFilterRow Gets or sets whether to display the Automatic Filter Row.
ShowColumnHeaders Gets or sets whether a grid displays column headers. This is a dependency property.
ShowFilterPanelMode Gets or sets when the Filter Panel is displayed within a grid. This is a dependency property.
ShowFixedTotalSummary Gets or sets whether or not the Fixed Summary Panel is displayed within the grid. This is a dependency property.
ShowLoadingPanel Gets or sets whether to display the Loading Panel in the GridControl when it waits for a callback response. This is a dependency property.
ShowSearchPanelMode Gets or sets when the Search Panel is shown within the grid. This is a dependency property.
ShowTotalSummary Gets or sets whether to display the total summary panel.
SummariesIgnoreNullValues Gets or sets whether null values must be ignored when calculating data summaries. This is a dependency property.
TopRowIndex Gets or sets the index of the top visible row.
TotalSummaryContentStyle Gets or sets the style applied to total summary items displayed within a View. This is a dependency property.
TotalSummaryItemTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of total summary items. This is a dependency property.
ValidationError Provides access to the object, which contains information about the validation error. This is a dependency property.
VerticalScrollBarVisibility Gets or sets the vertical scrollbar’s visibility. This is a dependence property.
VisibleColumns Gets a list of visible columns. This is a dependency property.
VisibleRowCount Gets the total number of rows displayed within the grid.


Name Description
BeginDataUpdate() Prevents visual and internal data updates until the DataControlBase.EndDataUpdate method is called.
BeginInit() Starts the control’s runtime initialization.
BeginSelection() Prevents selection updates until the DataControlBase.EndSelection method is called.
ClearColumnFilter(ColumnBase) Removes the filter condition applied to the specified column.
ClearColumnFilter(String) Removes the filter condition applied to the specified column.
ClearSorting() Clears the sorting applied to the grid.
CommitEditing() Hides the active editor and posts all the changes made within the focused row to a data source if the row values are valid.
EndDataUpdate() Enables visual and internal data updates after the DataControlBase.BeginDataUpdate method call, and updates the grid.
EndInit() Ends the runtime initialization.
EndSelection() Enables selection updates after calling the DataControlBase.BeginSelection method, and forces an immediate update.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
GetCellElementByRowHandleAndColumn(Int32, ColumnBase) Returns the specified cell’s UI element.
GetColumnFilterCriteria(ColumnBase) Returns a filter applied to the specified column.
GetColumnFilterCriteria(String) Returns a filter applied to the specified column.
GetColumnFilterString(ColumnBase) Returns a filter expression applied to the specified column.
GetColumnFilterString(String) Returns a filter expression applied to the specified column.
GetRowElementByRowHandle(Int32) Returns a UI element that is the specified row.
GetTotalSummaryValue(SummaryItemBase) Returns the value of the specified total summary item.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
HideEditor() Closes the active editor, discarding all the changes made.
IsCellSelected(Int32, ColumnBase) Indicates whether the specified cell is selected.
IsRowSelected(Int32) Indicates whether the specified row is selected.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MergeColumnFilters(CriteriaOperator) Combines the specified filter with the grid’s current filter with the AND operator.
MergeColumnFilters(String) Combines the specified filter with the grid’s current filter with the AND operator.
MoveColumnTo(ColumnBase, Int32) Moves the specified column to the specified position.
MoveFirstRow() Moves focus to the first visible row within a grid.
MoveLastRow() Moves focus to the last visible row within a grid.
MoveNextPage() Moves focus forward to the bottom row displayed onscreen within a grid.
MoveNextRow() Moves focus to the row following the one currently focused.
MovePrevPage() Moves focus backward to the top row displayed onscreen within a grid.
MovePrevRow(Boolean) Moves focus to the row that precedes the focused row, and specifies whether this method can focus the Automatic Filter Row.
PopulateColumns() Creates columns for all fields in a bound data source.
PostEditor() Saves the active editor’s value to a data source without closing the editor.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RefreshData() Updates the control data.
ScrollIntoView(ColumnBase) Makes the specified column visible onscreen.
ScrollIntoView(Int32) Makes the specified row visible onscreen.
ScrollIntoView(Object) Makes the specified row visible onscreen.
SelectAll() Selects all items within a grid.
SelectCell(Int32, ColumnBase) Selects the specified cell.
SelectCells(Int32, ColumnBase, Int32, ColumnBase) Selects multiple cells.
SelectItem(Int32) Selects the specified row.
SelectItem(Object) Selects the specified item.
SelectRange(Int32, Int32) Selects multiple items, while preserving the current selection (if any).
ShowEditor() Activates the focused cell’s inplace editor.
SortBy(ColumnBase) Sorts data by the values of the specified column.
SortBy(ColumnBase, ColumnSortOrder) Sorts data by the values of the specified column in the specified order.
SortBy(ColumnBase, ColumnSortOrder, Int32) Sorts data by the values of the specified column in the specified order, and places the column at the specified position among the sorted columns.
SortBy(String) Sorts data by the values of the specified column.
SortBy(String, ColumnSortOrder) Sorts data by the values of the specified column in the specified order.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
UnselectAll() Unselects any selected items within a grid.
UnselectCell(Int32, ColumnBase) Unselects the specified cell.
UnselectCells(Int32, ColumnBase, Int32, ColumnBase) Unselects multiple cells.
UnselectItem(Int32) Unselects the specified row.
UnselectItem(Object) Unselects the specified item.
UpdateTotalSummary() Updates total summaries.


Name Description
AutoGeneratedColumns Occurs after the columns have been automatically generated.
AutoGeneratingColumn Occurs each time an individual column is auto-generated.
CurrentColumnChanged Occurs after the focused column has been changed.
CurrentItemChanged Occurs after the focused row is changed.
CustomCellAppearance Allows you to customize cell appearance.
CustomUniqueValues Allows you to specify unique values displayed in a column’s Drop-down Filter.
FilterChanged Occurs after the grid’s filter has been changed.
ItemsSourceChanged Occurs after the DataControlBase.ItemsSource property has been changed.
ShowFilterPopup Enables you to customize a column’s filter dropdown.
See Also