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DevExpress.WinUI.Charts Namespace

Contains classes which implement the main functionality of Chart Controls.

Assembly: DevExpress.WinUI.Charts.v21.2.dll


Name Description
AreaSeriesView Displays series data points as an Area chart.
AxisBase The base class for classes that provide axes functionality for a chart control.
AxisLabelOptions Contains options that define appearance and behavior of axis labels.
AxisRangeBase The base class for all axis ranges.
AxisTitle Defines the common settings of an axis title.
AxisX Represents the X-Axis for 2D charts.
AxisY Represents the Y-Axis for 2D charts.
BarSeriesView Represents the base class for all Bar and Column series views.
CartesianChart The Cartesian Chart control to plot series of data points on an XY Cartesian diagram.
CartesianSeriesView Represents the base class for all series views that can be displayed on a CartesianChart control.
ChartBase The base class for chart controls.
ChartDataAdapter The base class for all adapters that provide data for a series.
ChartDependencyObject Enables WinRT property system services for its derived model classes.
ChartElement Represents the base class for other chart elements intended to hide most properties of the Control class.
ChartElementSelectionChangedEventArgs Contains data for the SelectionChanged event.
ChartRangeControlClient Displays the bound chart’s data within the range control and specifies the chart’s visual range.
CollectionBase<T> A base for certain collections used in charts.
ContourAppearance Contains settings that specify the appearance of a contour drawn around chart elements.
DataMember Contains data member settings that specify from which column in a datasource to obtain data for data points, as well as how to treat this data.
DataMemberCollection Represents a collection that stores the data members of a particular DataSourceAdapter.
DataPoint An individual data point in the series.
DataPointCollection Provides a collection of data points for a series.
DataPoints A collection of DataPoint objects.
DataSourceAdapter Contains data binding settings that define the datasource to obtain data for a series, as well as data fields to be used from this datasource.
DonutSeriesView Displays series data points as a Donut chart.
FullStackedAreaSeriesView Displays series data points as a Full-Stacked Area chart.
FullStackedBarSeriesView The Full-Stacked Bar series view.
FullStackedLineSeriesView The Full-Stacked Line series view.
FunnelChart The Funnel Chart control is used to plot series of data points on a funnel chart area.
FunnelSeriesView Represents a series view of the Funnel type.
Legend Represents a chart control’s legend.
LineSeriesView The Line series view.
MarkerSeriesView Represents the base class for all series views that contain data point markers.
NestedDonutSeriesView Displays series data points as the Nested Donut chart.
Palette Represents a palette (collection of colors) used to draw a chart.
PieChart The Pie Chart control to plot series of data points on a pie chart area.
PieSeriesView Represents a series view of the Pie type.
PointSeriesView The Point series view.
ScatterLineSeriesView The Scatter Line series view.
Series Represents an individual series within a chart control.
SeriesCollection Represents a collection that stores individual series within a chart control.
SeriesLabelOptions Contains options that define the appearance and behavior of data point labels.
SeriesTitle Contains settings that define the appearance and behavior of a series title.
SeriesView Represents the base class for all series views.
SideBySideBarSeriesView The Side-by-Side Bar series view.
SideBySideFullStackedBarSeriesView The Side-by-Side Full-Stacked Bar series view.
SideBySideStackedBarSeriesView The Side-by-Side Stacked Bar series view.
StackedAreaSeriesView Displays series data points as the Stacked Area chart.
StackedBarSeriesView Represents a series view of the Stacked Bar type.
StackedLineSeriesView The Stacked Line series view.
StepAreaSeriesView Displays series data points as the Step Area chart.
StepLineSeriesView The Step Line series view.
Strip Represents a strip within a chart control’s diagram.
StripCollection Represents a collection that stores the strips of a particular axis.
VisualAxisRange Defines the leftmost and rightmost values that are currently visible on an axis.
WholeAxisRange Defines the minimum and possible values that can be displayed on an axis.


Name Description
ChartElementSelectionChangedEventHandler Defines a signature (parameter list types) for the method that handles the ChartBase.SelectionChanged event.


Name Description
ActualScaleType Contains the values used to identify the actual scale type for the argument and value data of data points.
AxisAlignment Lists the values used to specify an axis alignment.
BarLabelPosition Lists the values used to specify the position of Bar labels.
ChartDataMemberType Lists the values used to specify which attribute of a data point should be populated using a data member’s settings.
DataChangingAnimationMode Lists the values used to specify how data points are animated when the underlying data is changed.
DateTimeMeasureUnit Lists the values that specify the unit of measurement for date-time values within a chart control.
FunnelLabelPosition Lists the values used to specify the position of funnel labels.
HorizontalPosition Lists the values that specify the legend’s horizontal alignment within the chart.
PieLabelPosition Lists the values used to specify the position of pie labels.
PieSweepDirection Lists the values that are used to define the direction of a 2D Pie series sweep.
RangeControlViewType Lists the values used to specify how a series should be represented in a Range Control.
ScaleType Contains the values used to specify the scale type for the argument and value data of data points.
SeriesTitlePosition Lists the values used to specify the position of series titles.
TitleAlignment Lists the values used to specify the alignment of an axis title relative to its owner axis.
UnwindDirection Lists the values that are used to define the direction of an unwinding animation.
VerticalPosition Lists the values that specify the legend’s vertical alignment within the chart.