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DateNavigator Properties

Represents a Date Navigator.
Name Description
ActualDisplayDate Gets the date corresponding to today’s date. This is a dependency property.
ActualDisplayDateRange Gets the date range that is currently displayed.
AnimationMode Specifies the animation mode for the date navigator. This is a dependency property.
CalendarCulture Gets or sets the calendar’s culture.
CellItemContainerStyle Gets or sets the style applied to cell item containers. This is a dependency property.
CellItemTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of cell items within the calendar. This is a dependency property.
CellItemTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a cell item template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
CenturyCellFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the display text in cells of the century view. This is a dependency property.
CenturyHeaderFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the header text of the century view. This is a dependency property.
DayNameFormat Gets or sets the value that specifies the format for names of the days of the week. This is a dependency property.
DayNameTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of day names. This is a dependency property.
DecadeCellFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the display text in cells of the decade view. This is a dependency property.
DecadeHeaderFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the header of the decade view. This is a dependency property.
DisplayDate Gets or sets the today’s date. This is a dependency property.
DisplayDateEnd Gets or sets the maximum value of the time range available for navigation in the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
DisplayDateStart Gets or sets the minimum value of the time range available for navigation in the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
EnableMouseWheelDateScrolling Gets or sets whether the end-user can perform scrolling using the mouse wheel. This is a dependency property.
ExactWorkdays Gets or sets the collection of work days. This is a dependency property.
FirstDayOfWeek Gets or sets the day of the week from which the Date Navigator’s week starts. This is a dependency property.
Header Gets the actual header of the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
HeaderViewStyle Gets or sets the style applied to the view header. This is a dependency property.
Holidays Gets or sets a collection of holidays. This is a dependency property.
MonthCellFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the display text in cells of the month view. This is a dependency property.
MonthHeaderFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the header text of the month view. This is a dependency property.
SelectedDate Gets or sets the date selected within the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
SelectedDates Gets or sets a collection of selected dates. This is a dependency property.
SelectionMode Specifies the selection mode for the date navigator. This is a dependency property.
SetViewModeCommand Sets the view mode.
ShowDaysOfWeek Gets or sets whether to display days of week when the Date Navigator is in the month view mode. This is a dependency property.
ShowWeekNumbers Gets or sets whether to display week numbers when the Date Navigator is in the month view mode. This is a dependency property.
SpecialDates Gets or sets a collection of special dates. This is a dependency property.
ViewMode Gets or sets the current view mode for the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
WeekNumberFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for week numbers. This is a dependency property.
WeekNumberRule Gets or sets the rule which specifies the first week of the year. This is a dependency property.
WeekNumberTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of week numbers displayed within the Date Navigator. This is a dependency property.
Workdays Gets or sets the collection of days assigned to a workweek.
YearCellFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the display text in cells of the year view. This is a dependency property.
YearHeaderFormat Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the header text of the year view. This is a dependency property.
See Also