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DXRichEditFieldOptions Properties

Provides options used to define the appearance and behavior of the document fields.
Name Description
CanFreeze Gets a value that indicates whether the object can be made unmodifiable. Inherited from Freezable.
ClearUnhandledDocVariableField Gets or sets whether the DOCVARIABLE field value is cleared when it cannot be calculated. This is a dependency property.
DependencyObjectType Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. Inherited from DependencyObject.
Dispatcher Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with. Inherited from DispatcherObject.
HighlightColor Gets or sets the color used to highlight the document fields. This is a dependency property.
HighlightMode Gets or sets whether the document fields should be highlighted. This is a dependency property.
IsFrozen Gets a value that indicates whether the object is currently modifiable. Inherited from Freezable.
IsSealed Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). Inherited from DependencyObject.
ThrowExceptionOnInvalidFormatSwitch Gets or sets whether to throw an exception if a field formatting switch is not recognized. This is a dependency property.
UpdateDocVariablesBeforeCopy Gets or sets whether to refresh the DOCVARIABLE field values when they are to be copied to the Clipboard. This is a dependency property.
UpdateDocVariablesBeforePrint Gets or sets whether to refresh the DOCVARIABLE field values when the document is to be printed. This is a dependency property.
UpdateFieldsInTextBoxes Gets or sets whether the FieldCollection.Update method updates fields contained in text boxes. This is a dependency property.
UpdateFieldsOnPaste Gets or sets whether the document fields contained in a pasted range should be updated. This is a dependency property.
UpdateHyperlinksOnLoad Gets or sets whether to update hyperlinks without the result text. This is a dependency property.
UpdateLockedFields Gets or sets whether the locked fields can be updated. This is a dependency property.
UseCurrentCultureDateTimeFormat Gets or sets whether the current culture’s short date and time display settings should be used to format DateTime value for display. This is a dependency property.
See Also