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ExportSettings Members

The provider of attached properties, which define how to export a particular dependency object.


Name Description
BackgroundProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.Background attached property.
BookmarkParentNameProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.BookmarkParentName dependency property.
BookmarkProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.Bookmark dependency property.
BorderColorProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.BorderColor attached property.
BorderDashStyleProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.BorderDashStyle dependency property.
BorderThicknessProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.BorderThickness attached property.
ElementTagProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.ElementTag dependency property.
FlowDirectionProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.FlowDirection attached property.
ForegroundProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.Foreground attached property.
MergeValueProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.MergeValue attached property.
OnPageUpdaterProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.OnPageUpdater dependency property.
PropertiesHintMaskProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.PropertiesHintMask dependency property.
TargetTypeProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.TargetType attached property.
UrlProperty static Identifies the ExportSettings.Url attached property.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetBackground(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.Background attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetBookmark(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.Bookmark attached property for a specified element.
GetBookmarkParentName(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.BookmarkParentName attached property for a specified element.
GetBorderColor(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.BorderColor attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetBorderDashStyle(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.BorderDashStyle attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetBorderThickness(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.BorderThickness attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetElementTag(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the PreviewClickEventArgs.ElementTag attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetFlowDirection(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.FlowDirection attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetForeground(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.Foreground attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetMergeValue(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.MergeValue attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetOnPageUpdater(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.OnPageUpdater attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetPropertiesHintMask(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.PropertiesHintMask attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetTargetType(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.TargetType attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetUrl(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettings.Url attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
SetBackground(DependencyObject, Color) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.Background attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetBookmark(DependencyObject, String) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.Bookmark attached property to a specified element.
SetBookmarkParentName(DependencyObject, String) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.BookmarkParentName attached property to a specified element.
SetBorderColor(DependencyObject, Color) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.BorderColor attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetBorderDashStyle(DependencyObject, BorderDashStyle) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.BorderDashStyle attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetBorderThickness(DependencyObject, Thickness) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.BorderThickness attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetElementTag(DependencyObject, String) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.ElementTag attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetFlowDirection(DependencyObject, FlowDirection) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.FlowDirection attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetForeground(DependencyObject, Color) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.Foreground attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetMergeValue(DependencyObject, Object) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.MergeValue attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetOnPageUpdater(DependencyObject, IOnPageUpdater) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.OnPageUpdater attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetPropertiesHintMask(DependencyObject, ExportSettingsProperties) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.PropertiesHintMask attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetTargetType(DependencyObject, TargetType) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.TargetType attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetUrl(DependencyObject, String) static Sets the value of the ExportSettings.Url attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.

Attached Properties

Name Description
Background static Gets or sets the background color.
Bookmark static Specifies an element’s bookmark for Document Preview. This is a dependency property. This is an attached property.
BookmarkParentName static Specifies the name of an element’s parent bookmark for Document Preview. This is a dependency property. This is an attached property.
BorderColor static Gets or sets the color of borders. This is an attached property.
BorderDashStyle static Specifies the border’s dash style. This is a dependency property.
BorderThickness static Gets or sets the thickness of borders.
ElementTag static Gets or sets the Tag property value of the exported control. This is a dependency property.
FlowDirection static Specifies the direction of the text and the position of the element in a document. This property enables you to create document content optimized for right-to-left cultures. This is a dependency property. This is an attached property.
Foreground static Gets or sets the foreground color.
MergeValue static Used to support the Cell Merging feature of the Data Grid. When this option is enabled, neighboring data cells across different rows are merged whenever they display matching values. This is an attached property.
OnPageUpdater static For internal use.
PropertiesHintMask static For internal use.
TargetType static Gets or sets a value specifying how to represent an object when exporting.
Url static Gets or sets the navigation URL to be assigned with an object being exported.
See Also