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DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid Namespace

Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the DXPivotGrid Suite. To use these classes in XAML code, add the xmlns:dxpg=”“ namespace reference.

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v17.2.dll


Name Description
AsyncOperationResult The result of the asynchronous operation.
CellElement A Pivot Grid’s data cell to which the cell style is applied.
CellInfo Stores information about the data cell displayed within the PivotGrid control.
ColorScaleFormatCondition Represents a color scale format condition.
CustomPrefilterDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomPrefilterDisplayText event.
CustomServerModeSortEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomServerModeSort event.
DataAreaElement The elements of the Pivot Grid’s data area.
DataBarFormatCondition Represents a data bar format condition.
DefaultMenuItemNames static Contains names of the context menu items.
EventArgsToCellInfoConverter A converter used to convert the event argument to the CellInfo class.
EventArgsToFieldValueInfoConverter A converter used to convert the event argument to the FieldValueInfo class.
ExpressionConditionBase Serves as a base for classes that represent expression-type format conditions.
FieldFilterValues Contains filter values for a specific field.
FieldListControlBase Serves as the base class for a pivot grid’s Customization Controls.
FieldValueCell Represents a field value cell.
FieldValueInfo Stores information about the row and column fields related to the selected cell.
FormatCondition Represents a format condition based on a specified rule(s) or expression.
FormatConditionBase Serves as a base for classes that represent format conditions.
FormatConditionCollection Represents a collection of format conditions.
FormatConditionCommandParameters Contains parameters for conditional formatting commands.
GroupChangedEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridGroup.Changed event.
GroupFilterValue A group filter value.
GroupFilterValues Represents a group filter condition.
GroupFilterValuesCollection A collection of group filter values.
IconSetFormatCondition Represents an icon set format condition.
IndicatorFormatConditionBase Serves as a base for classes that represent indicator-type format conditions.
PivotBrushChangedEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.BrushChanged event.
PivotCellBaseEventArgs Provides data for the events which are invoked for particular data cells.
PivotCellDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomCellDisplayText event.
PivotCellEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CellClick and PivotGridControl.CellDoubleClick events.
PivotCellValueEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomCellValue event.
PivotChartDataSourceRow A row in the datasource passed to the chart control.
PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomCellAppearance event.
PivotCustomChartDataSourceDataEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomChartDataSourceData event.
PivotCustomChartDataSourceRowsEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomChartDataSourceRows event.
PivotCustomFieldDataEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomUnboundFieldData event.
PivotCustomFieldListSortEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldListSort event.
PivotCustomFieldSortEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldSort event.
PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldValueCells event.
PivotCustomFilterPopupItemsEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomFilterPopupItems event.
PivotCustomGroupIntervalEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomGroupInterval event.
PivotCustomSummaryEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomSummary event.
PivotCustomValueAppearanceEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomValueAppearance event.
PivotDrillDownDataRow Represents a single row in the data source which provides the data used to calculate summaries for individual cells.
PivotDrillDownDataSource Represents a list of the records which are used to calculate summaries for individual cells.
PivotExcelFieldListControl An Excel-style Customization Form.
PivotFieldAreaChangingEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.FieldAreaChanging event.
PivotFieldDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.FieldValueDisplayText event.
PivotFieldEventArgs Provides data for all field handling events.
PivotFieldFilterChangingEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.FieldFilterChanging event.
PivotFieldListControl A simple-style Customization Form.
PivotFieldPropertyChangedEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.FieldPropertyChanged event.
PivotFieldValueCancelEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.FieldValueCollapsing and PivotGridControl.FieldValueExpanding events.
PivotFieldValueEventArgs Serves as a base for the classes that provide data for the events which are used to customize column and row headers.
PivotFilterEditorEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.PrefilterEditorCreated event.
PivotGridCommands static Provides access to pivot grid commands.
PivotGridControl The PivotGrid control.
PivotGridCustomTotal Represents a custom total.
PivotGridCustomTotalCollection Represents a collection of custom totals.
PivotGridField Represents a pivot grid field.
PivotGridFieldCollection Represents a field collection for the PivotGridControl.
PivotGridGroup Represents an individual group of fields.
PivotGridGroupCollection Represents a collection of field groups.
PivotGroupEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.GroupFilterChanged event.
PivotLayoutAllowEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.BeforeLoadLayout event.
PivotLayoutUpgradeEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.LayoutUpgrade event.
PivotOlapExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.OlapException event.
PivotOlapKpiMeasures Contains the names of the OLAP measures that represent values of a particular KPI.
PivotOlapKpiValue Represents values of a KPI.
PivotOlapMember An OLAP member.
PivotPropertyChangedEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.PropertyChanged event.
PivotQueryExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.QueryException event.
PivotSerializationOptions Contains options that control how the PivotGridControl’s layout is saved to and restored from a data store (an XML file or stream).
PivotSummaryDataRow Represents a summary data source row.
PivotSummaryDataSource Represents a summary data source.
PivotUnboundExpressionEditorEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.UnboundExpressionEditorCreated event.
PopupMenuShowingEventArgs Provides data for the PivotGridControl.PopupMenuShowing event.
SortByCondition Represents a sort condition used to identify the column/row by whose values the other field values will be sorted.
SortByConditionCollection A collection of sort conditions.
TopBottomRuleFormatCondition Represents a top/bottom format condition.


Name Description
IThreadSafeField When implemented, provides a read-only access to basic settings of a field.


Name Description
AsyncCompletedHandler References a method executed after an asynchronous operation is completed.
CustomPrefilterDisplayTextEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomPrefilterDisplayText event.
GroupChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridGroup.Changed event.
PivotBrushChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the PivotGridControl.BrushChanged event.
PivotCellDisplayTextEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomCellDisplayText event.
PivotCellEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CellClick and PivotGridControl.CellDoubleClick events.
PivotCellValueEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomCellValue event.
PivotCustomCellAppearanceEventHandler A method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomCellAppearance event.
PivotCustomChartDataSourceDataEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomChartDataSourceData event.
PivotCustomChartDataSourceRowsEventHandler References a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomChartDataSourceRows event.
PivotCustomFieldDataEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomUnboundFieldData event.
PivotCustomFieldSortEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldSort event.
PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldValueCells event.
PivotCustomFilterPopupItemsEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomFilterPopupItems event.
PivotCustomGroupIntervalEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomGroupInterval event.
PivotCustomSummaryEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomSummary event.
PivotCustomValueAppearanceEventHandler A method that will handle the PivotGridControl.CustomValueAppearance event.
PivotFieldAreaChangingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.FieldAreaChanging event.
PivotFieldDisplayTextEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.FieldValueDisplayText event.
PivotFieldEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.FieldAreaChanged, PivotGridControl.FieldExpandedInGroupChanged, PivotGridControl.FieldFilterChanged, PivotGridControl.FieldSizeChanged and PivotGridControl.FieldUnboundExpressionChanged events.
PivotFieldFilterChangingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.FieldFilterChanging event.
PivotFieldPropertyChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.FieldPropertyChanged event.
PivotFieldValueCancelEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.FieldValueCollapsing and PivotGridControl.FieldValueExpanding events.
PivotFieldValueEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.FieldValueCollapsed, PivotGridControl.FieldValueExpanded and PivotGridControl.FieldValueNotExpanded events.
PivotFilterEditorEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.PrefilterEditorCreated event.
PivotGroupEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.GroupFilterChanged event.
PivotLayoutAllowEventHandler References a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.BeforeLoadLayout event.
PivotLayoutUpgradeEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.LayoutUpgrade event.
PivotOlapExceptionEventHandler References a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.OlapException event.
PivotPropertyChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.PropertyChanged event.
PivotQueryExceptionEventHandler References a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.QueryException event.
PivotUnboundExpressionEditorEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.UnboundExpressionEditorCreated event.
PopupMenuShowingEventHandler References a method that will handle the PivotGridControl.PopupMenuShowing event.


Name Description
AllowHideFieldsType Lists values that specify when fields can be hidden by end-users.
CopyCollapsedValuesMode Lists values that specify how to copy collapsed field values to the clipboard.
CopyMultiSelectionMode Lists values that specify how to copy cells to the clipboard when multiple cells are selected.
DataFieldArea Lists values that specify the area in which the data field headers are displayed.
DataProcessingEngine Lists values that specify an engine used to perform data processing (aggregation, summarization, etc.) in the pivot grid.
FieldAllowedAreas Lists values that specify pivot grid areas where a field can be positioned.
FieldArea Lists the values that specify the areas where the pivot grid fields can be displayed.
FieldBestFitArea Lists the values used to specify which interface elements should be taken into account when calculating the optimal width for columns or rows.
FieldColumnTotalsLocation Lists values that specify the location of column totals.
FieldFilterType Contains the values that specify a field’s filter type in the PivotGrid control.
FieldGroupInterval Contains values that specify how the values of a specific column or row field are combined into groups.
FieldListAllowedLayouts Lists values that specify which layouts can be applied to the Customization Form.
FieldListArea Lists values that specify which fields the Customization Control should display.
FieldListLayout Lists values that specify the layout of the Customization Form.
FieldListOrientation Lists values that specify how field headers should be arranged within the Customization Control.
FieldListStyle Lists values that specify the Customization Form‘s style.
FieldOLAPFilterUsingWhereClause Lists values that specify whether to use the WHERE clause in an MDX query, when filtering against filter fields in OLAP mode.
FieldPropertyName Lists values that identify properties of fields.
FieldRowTotalsLocation Lists values that specify the location of row totals.
FieldSortBySummaryOrder Lists values that specify the sort order applied to a field when sorting by summaries is enabled for it.
FieldSortLocation Lists values that specify a target UI element to whose values sorting is applied.
FieldSortMode Lists the values that specify how a field’s data should be sorted.
FieldSortOrder Lists the values that specify the sort order of a pivot grid’s fields.
FieldSummaryDisplayType Contains options that specify how summary values are displayed within cells (“as is” or adjusted using a specific predefined algorithm).
FieldSummaryType Lists values that specify the summary function types.
FieldTopValueMode Lists values that specify how the top n values for a specified data field are calculated.
FieldTopValueType Lists the values that specify how the number of Top Values is determined.
FieldTotalsVisibility Contains values that specify which summary totals are displayed for a specific column field or row field.
FieldUnboundColumnType Contains values that specify the data type and binding mode of columns.
FieldUnboundExpressionMode Lists values that specify how the unbound expressions for a specified data field are calculated.
FieldValueType Lists values that specify the types of column and row field values.
GroupChangeType Lists values that specify what caused the field group to change.
GroupFilterMode Lists values that specify the filtering mode for grouped fields.
OlapDataProvider Lists values that specify which data provider should be used when binding to an OLAP cube.
PivotBrushType Lists values that identify a brush type.
PivotChartDataProvideMode Lists values that specify which data the pivot grid should pass to a bound chart control.
PivotChartDataProvidePriority Lists values that specify whether the pivot grid should pass columns or rows to a bound chart control when it is impossible to find the lowest-level data.
PivotChartExportFieldValueMode Lists values that specify how the PivotGridControl’s field values are exported to the chart control.
PivotChartFieldValuesProvideMode Lists values that specify how the PivotGridControl’s field values are exported to the chart control.
PivotChartItemDataMember Lists values that specify the type of a chart data member.
PivotChartItemType Lists values that specify the type of a PivotGridControl’s item to be represented in a ChartControl.
PivotDefaultMemberFields Lists values that specify for which fields the pivot grid processes only data related to their default members.
PivotGridMenuType Lists values that specify the pivot grid’s context menu types.
PivotKpiGraphic Lists values that specify the graphic set used to indicate KPI values.
PivotKpiType Lists KPI types.
ScrollingMode Lists values specifying the PivotGridControl scrolling mode.
SelectMode Lists values that specify the selection mode.
ShowPrefilterPanelMode Lists values that specify when the PivotGridControl displays the Prefilter Panel.
StoreLayoutMode Lists options that specify which settings should be saved when saving the PivotGrid’s layout.
UnboundExpressionMode Lists values that specify how the unbound expressions for data fields are calculated.
UserAction Lists values that specify end-user actions on the PivotGridControl.