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DevExpress.Xpf.Editors Namespace

Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the DXEditors for WPF library. To use these classes in XAML code, add the xmlns:dxe=”“ namespace reference.

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v17.2.dll


Name Description
AreaSparklineStyleSettings Changes the SparklineEdit‘s presentation to Area and implements options that define sparkline appearance.
BarCodeEdit Allows you to display various barcodes.
BarCodePropertyProvider The base class for controls that display barcodes.
BarSparklineStyleSettings Changes the SparklineEdit‘s presentation to Bar and implements options that define sparkline appearance.
BaseComboBoxStyleSettings Serves as a base for classes that contain settings which define the appearance of the combobox drop-down window.
BaseEdit Serves as the base for all editors that can be used for inplace editing in container controls (e.g. within the DXGrid).
BaseEditStyleSettings An abstract base class that provides functionality for the descendant classes.
BaseProgressBarStyleSettings Serves as a base for classes that define the progress bar’s appearance and behavior.
ButtonEdit Represents a text editor with embedded buttons.
ButtonInfo Represents a button for a button editor.
ButtonInfoBase Serves as a base for classes that represent edit buttons.
ButtonInfoCollection Represents the collection of ButtonEdit buttons.
Calculator Represents a calculator.
CalculatorCustomErrorTextEventArgs Provides data for the Calculator.CustomErrorText event.
CameraControl Represents a control that displays a video stream captured from a video input device.
CameraDevice Describes a video capture device, operates the device, and processes the received video stream.
CheckedComboBoxStyleSettings Defines the checked combo box editor appearance and behavior.
CheckEdit Represents a check box editor.
CheckEditBox Represents a check box used by the CheckEdit control.
CheckedListBoxEditStyleSettings Defines the checked list box editor appearance and behavior.
CheckedTokenComboBoxStyleSettings Defines the checked token combo box editor appearance and behavior.
ClosePopupEventArgs Provides data for the PopupBaseEdit.PopupClosing and PopupBaseEdit.PopupClosed events.
ColorEdit Represents a color editor.
ColorPalette Serves as the base class for color palettes.
ComboBoxEdit Represents an editor that displays a list of items within a dropdown window.
ComboBoxEditItem Represents an individual list item.
ComboBoxStyleSettings Defines the native appearance and behavior of the combo box editor.
ConvertEditValueEventArgs Provides data for the ConvertEditValue events that image editors raise.
CustomDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the BaseEdit.CustomDisplayText event.
CustomPalette Represents a custom color palette.
DateEdit Represents a date editor with a dropdown calendar.
DateEditCalendarStyleSettings Defines the appearance and behavior of a calendar date edit.
DateEditPickerStyleSettings Defines the appearance and behavior of a picker date editor.
EditorLocalizer A base class that provides necessary functionality for custom localizers of the Data Editors library.
EditValueChangedEventArgs Provides data for the BaseEdit.EditValueChanged event.
EditValueChangingEventArgs Provides data for the BaseEdit.EditValueChanging event.
ErrorControl The validation error.
FontEdit Represents a font editor.
HyperlinkEdit Represents a hyperlink editor.
HyperlinkEditRequestNavigationEventArgs Provides data for the HyperlinkEdit.RequestNavigation event.
ImageEdit Represents an image editor.
LineSparklineStyleSettings Changes the SparklineEdit‘s presentation to Line and implements options that define sparkline appearance.
ListBoxEdit Represents a list box.
ListBoxEditItem Represents an item displayed within the list box.
ListBoxEditStyleSettings Defines the native appearance and behavior of the list box editor.
LookUpEditBase Serves as a base for classes that provide look-up functionality.
MemoEdit Represents a memo editor control that allows editing memo data.
NumericMaskOptions Contains settings specific to numeric masks.
PaletteCollection Represents a collection of palettes.
PasswordBoxEdit Represents a control allowing you to enter and manage passwords.
PasswordStrengthEventArgs Provides data for the PasswordBoxEdit.CustomPasswordStrength event.
PopupBaseEdit Serves as a base for classes that represent popup editors (e.g. DateEdit, ComboBoxEdit).
PopupCalcEdit Represents a calculator displayed within a dropdown window.
PopupColorEdit Represents a color editor displayed within a dropdown window.
PopupImageEdit Represents an editor that displays an image within a dropdown window.
PredefinedColorCollections static Provides predefined color collections.
PredefinedPaletteCollections static Provides the predefined palette collections.
ProcessNewValueEventArgs Provides data for the LookUpEditBase.ProcessNewValue event.
ProgressBarEdit Represents a progress bar.
ProgressBarMarqueeStyleSettings Defines the appearance and behavior of the marquee (indeterminate) progress bar.
ProgressBarStyleSettings Defines the native appearance and behavior of the progress bar.
RadioComboBoxStyleSettings Defines the radio combo box editor appearance and behavior.
RadioListBoxEditStyleSettings Defines the radio list box editor appearance and behavior.
Range Contains settings that define a range for an editor.
RangeBaseEdit Serves as a base for classes which represent progress bars and track bars.
RatingControl Represents a Rating Control.
RatingEdit Represents a rating editor.
RatingItem Represents a rating item.
SearchControl A search control.
SparklineEdit A sparkline visualizes data in a highly condensed way, allowing end-users to quickly understand and compare values from different sources.
SparklineStyleSettings Serves as a base for classes that define the sparkline’s appearance and behavior.
SpinEdit Represents an editor with spin buttons used to adjust a numerical value.
SpinEventArgs Provides data for the TextEdit.Spin event.
TextEdit Represents a text editor.
TextEditBase Serves as the base class for editors that provide the text editing capability (e.g. TextEdit, ComboBoxEdit, DateEdit).
ToggleSwitch Represents a toggle switch.
ToggleSwitchEdit Represents a toggle switch editor.
TokenActivatingEventArgs Provides data for the TokenEditorBehavior.TokenActivating event.
TokenComboBoxStyleSettings Defines the token combo box editor appearance and behavior.
TokenEditorBehavior Provides access to token settings.
TokensChangedEventArgs Provides data for the TokenEditorBehavior.TokensChanged event.
TokensChangingEventArgs Provides data for the TokenEditorBehavior.TokensChanging event.
TokenStateChangedEventArgs Provides data for the TokenEditorBehavior.TokenActivated and TokenEditorBehavior.TokenDeactivated events.
TokenTextChangingEventArgs Provides data for the TokenEditorBehavior.TokenTextChanging event.
TrackBarEdit Represents a track bar.
TrackBarEditRange Represents the track bar’s range (edit value).
TrackBarRangeStyleSettings Defines the appearance and behavior of a range track bar.
TrackBarStyleSettings Defines the native appearance and behavior of a track bar.
TrackBarZoomRangeStyleSettings Defines the appearance and behavior of a range track bar with a zooming functionality.
TrackBarZoomStyleSettings Defines the appearance and behavior of a zoom track bar.
ValidationEventArgs Provides data for the BaseEdit.Validate event.
WinLossSparklineStyleSettings Changes the SparklineEdit‘s presentation to WinLoss and implements options that define sparkline appearance.


Name Description
CalculatorCustomErrorTextEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the Calculator.CustomErrorText event.
ClosePopupEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PopupBaseEdit.PopupClosing and PopupBaseEdit.PopupClosed events.
CustomDisplayTextEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the BaseEdit.CustomDisplayText event.
EditValueChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the BaseEdit.EditValueChanged event.
EditValueChangingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the BaseEdit.EditValueChanging event.
ProcessNewValueEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the LookUpEditBase.ProcessNewValue event.
SpinEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the TextEdit.Spin event.


Name Description
AutoCompleteType Lists values that specify the type of automatic completion modes used by an editor.
ButtonKind Lists values that specify a button’s behavior.
ChipSize Lists values that specify the size of color chips.
ColorDisplayFormat Lists values that specify in which format the selected color is displayed.
ContentDisplayMode Lists the values used to specify the content source for the ProgressBarEdit editor.
EditMode Lists values that specify the edit mode of an editor.
EditorPlacement Lists values that specify a button’s position within an editor.
EditorStringId Contains values corresponding to strings that can be localized.
FindMode Lists values that specify when data searching starts.
GlyphKind Lists values that specify which image is displayed within an edit button.
HighlightedTextCriteria Lists values that specify how the text is highlighted.
MaskType Lists values that specify the type of mask used by an editor.
NewTokenPosition Lists values that specify the placement of new tokens.
PasswordStrength Lists values that specify password strength.
PopupCloseMode Contains values specifying how a drop-down editor’s popup window was closed.
PopupFooterButtons Lists the values used to specify which buttons should be visible in a pop-up footer.
PostMode Lists values that specify when data posting starts.
RatingPrecision Lists the values used to specify the rating precision.
ScrollUnit Lists values that specify the scrolling mode for ComboBoxEdit and ListBoxEdit.
ShowLoadDialogOnClickMode Lists values that specify whether clicking within the editor shows the ‘Open’ dialog.
ShowMenuMode Lists the values used to specify the visibility mode of the Image Menu.
SparklineSortOrder Specifies the sorting order for a Sparkline‘s data points.
SparklineViewType Lists the values used to specify the available view types of a sparkline.
SpinStyle Lists values that specify the orientation of spin buttons.
ToggleSwitchContentPlacement Lists the values that specify the position of the content area within a toggle switch editor.
TrackBarIncrementTargetEnum Lists values that specify which range parameter is changed.