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DiagramCommands Properties

Provides access to diagram commands.
Name Description
BringForward Gets the command that brings the selected diagram items forward.
BringToFront Gets the command that brings the selected diagram items to the front.
Cancel Gets the command that cancels the current selection.
ChangeConnectorType Gets the command that changes the connector type.
CircularLayout Gets the command that realigns diagram items to form a circular layout.
Copy Gets the command that copies the selected diagram items to the Clipboard.
Cut Gets the command that removes the selected diagram items and copies them to the Clipboard.
DecreaseFontSize Gets the command that decreases the font size for the text within the selected diagram items.
DefaultCommands static Inherited from DiagramCommandsBase.
Delete Gets the command that removes the selected diagram items.
DisplayItemProperties Obsolete. Gets the command that invokes the Properties Panel.
Edit Gets the command that initiates text editing for the selected shape.
Empty This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ExportDiagram Gets the command that exports the diagram to an image file of the specified format.
FitToDrawing Gets the command that changes the page size to fit the diagram contents.
FitToPage Gets the command that sets the diagram zoom factor value to fit all pages with content within the canvas.
FitToWidth Gets the command that sets the diagram zoom factor value to fit the entire diagram width.
FlipImage Gets the command that flips the selected image.
FocusNextControl Gets the command that moves focus to the next control.
FocusPrevControl Gets the command that moves focus to the previous control.
IncreaseFontSize Gets the command that increases the font size for the text within the selected diagram items.
InsertImage Gets the command that invokes the Insert Image dialog that allows the end-user to add an image item to the diagram.
LoadImage Gets the command that invokes the Insert Image dialog that allows the end-user to change the selected image item.
MindMapTreeLayout Gets the command that realigns diagram items to form a mind-map tree diagram.
MindMapTreeLayoutForSubordinates Gets the command that applies the mind-map tree layout to the subordinates of the diagram items.
MoveSelection Gets the command that moves currently selected items in the specified direction.
MoveSelectionNoSnap Gets the command that moves currently selected items in the specified direction without snapping to grid lines or other items.
NewFile Gets the command that closes the current file and creates a new one. If the current file contains unsaved changes, the end-user is prompted to save them.
OpenFile Gets the command that invokes the Open File dialog window.
Paste Gets the command that inserts the diagram items from the clipboard onto the Canvas.
Print Gets the command that invokes the Print dialog window.
QuickPrint Gets the command that prints the diagram with default print settings.
Redo Gets the command that reapplies the last action that was undone in the diagram control.
ResetSelectedImages Gets the command that resets the appearance of the selected image items.
Rotate Gets the command that rotates the selected items by the specified angle.
SaveFile Gets the command that saves changes made to the diagram. If the diagram has not been saved to a file before, the command invokes the Save File As dialog window.
SaveFileAs Gets the command that invokes the Save File As dialog window.
SelectAll Gets the command that selects all items within the diagram.
SelectConnectorTool Gets the command that selects the connector tool.
SelectEllipseTool Gets the command that selects the ellipse tool.
SelectHexagonTool Gets the command that selects the hexagon tool.
SelectionCommands static Provides access to selection commands. Inherited from DiagramCommandsBase.
SelectNextItem Gets the command that selects the next diagram item in the order they were added to the diagram.
SelectPanTool Gets the command that selects the pan tool.
SelectPointerTool Gets the command that selects the pointer tool.
SelectPrevItem Gets the command that selects the previous diagram item in the order they were added to the diagram.
SelectRectangleTool Gets the command that selects the rectangle tool.
SelectRightTriangleTool Gets the command that selects the right triangle tool.
SelectTool Gets the command that selects a diagram tool.
SendBackward Gets the command that sends the selected diagram items backward.
SendToBack Gets the command that sends the selected diagram items to the back.
SetHorizontalAlignment Gets the command that applies the specified horizontal alignment to the text within the selected diagram items.
SetPageParameters Gets the command that invokes the Page Setup Dialog Window.
SetSelectedContainersHeaderPadding Gets the command that changes the amount of header padding for the selected containers.
SetSelectedContainersPadding Gets the command that changes the amount of padding for the selected container.
SetSelectedContainersShape Gets the command that changes the shape of the selected container.
SetSelectedImagesScale Gets the command that sets the specified zoom factor for selected image items.
SetSelectedImagesStretchMode Gets the command that sets the specified stretch mode for selected image items.
SetSelectedItemsStyle Gets the command that sets the style of the selected diagram item.
SetVerticalAlignment Gets the command that applies the specified vertical alignment to the text within the selected diagram items.
SetZoom Gets the command that applies a zoom factor value to a document.
ShowContainerHeader Gets the command that toggles the visibility of the header for the currently selected container items.
ShowPopupMenu Gets the command that invokes the popup menu for the selected item.
ShowPrintPreview Gets the command that invokes the Print Preview.
ShowPropertiesPanel Gets the command that invokes the Properties Panel.
StartDragTool This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
StartDragToolAlternate This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
SugiyamaLayout Gets the command that realigns diagram items according to the layered graph drawing (Sugiyama-style graph drawing) algorithm.
TipOverTreeLayout Gets the command that realigns diagram items to form a tip-over tree diagram.
TipOverTreeLayoutForSubordinates Gets the command that applies the Tip-over layout to the subordinates of the diagram items.
ToggleFontBold Gets the command that toggles bold font for the text within the selected shapes.
ToggleFontItalic Gets the command that toggles italic font for the text within the selected shapes.
ToggleFontStrikethrough Gets the command that toggles strikethrough for the text within the selected shapes.
ToggleFontUnderline Gets the command that toggles underline for the text within the selected shapes.
ToggleSubordinatesVisibility Gets the command that shows or hides the subordinates of the selected diagram item.
TreeLayout Gets the command that realigns diagram items to form a tree diagram.
TreeLayoutForSubordinates Gets the command that applies the Tree layout to the subordinates of the diagram items.
Undo Gets the command that cancels changes resulting from the last operation.
UndoRedoCommands static Provides access to undo and redo commands. Inherited from DiagramCommandsBase.
UseTool Gets the command that uses a diagram tool.
ZoomCommands static Provides access to zoom commands. Inherited from DiagramCommandsBase.
ZoomIn Gets the command that increases the current zoom factor of a diagram.
ZoomOut Gets the command that decreases the current zoom factor of a diagram.
See Also