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AreaStackedSeries2D.Transparency Property

Specifies the transparency (0-1) to use for displaying the filled color Areas.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts


public double Transparency { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A Double value from 0 (opaque) to 1 (transparent).


The following example demonstrates how to create a 2D Stacked Area chart. To do this, it is necessary to assign the ChartControl.Diagram property to XYDiagram2D, and then add two AreaStackedSeries2D objects with points to the diagram’s Diagram.Series collection.

Also, this example shows how to add a legend (showing series names) to a chart.

<Window x:Class="StackedArea2DChart.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:dxc="" Title="Window1" Height="350" Width="620">
        <dxc:ChartControl Name="chartControl1">
                        <dxc:AreaStackedSeries2D DisplayName="First Series" Transparency="0.5">
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="A" Value="1" />
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="B" Value="3" />
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="C" Value="7" />
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="D" Value="4" />
                        <dxc:AreaStackedSeries2D DisplayName="Second Series" Transparency="0.5">
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="A" Value="2" />
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="B" Value="2" />
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="C" Value="5" />
                                <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="D" Value="4" />
                        <dxc:AxisX2D Range="SideMarginsEnabled=False" />
                <dxc:Legend />


See Also