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TreeList View

  • 2 minutes to read

The TreeListView is designed to display information in a tree - in either bound or unbound mode. Data is arranged in columns and nodes (rows). Grid columns correspond to data fields in a data source and nodes represent data records.


<dxg:GridControl AutoGenerateColumns="AddNew" 
                 ItemsSource="{Binding Customers}">
        <dxg:TreeListView Name="treeListView" AutoWidth="True"
                          KeyFieldName="ID" ParentFieldName="ParentID"

Along with the standard data-aware and presentation features such as data editing, sorting, filtering, summary calculation, built-in validation, unbound columns, runtime column customization and so on, its specific features include:

  • Display Hierarchical Data

    Obtain information from different hierarchical data structures and display it in a tree form.

  • Unbound Mode

    You can create a tree in XAML or code. Nodes can be represented by objects of different types. The only requirement is that these data objects should have common fields (columns).

  • Fetch Nodes Asynchronously

    Fetch child nodes in a background thread to keep the application UI responsive to user actions.

  • Load Data On-Demand

    You can create a tree structure on demand. Child nodes are dynamically created and initialized when their parent node is expanded.

  • Tree-Traversal API

    To simplify managing hierarchical data (without writing additional recursive code), the TreeList ships with an easy to use API, so you can sequentially visit nodes starting from a specified node down to the last node.