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Dependency Injection

  • 3 minutes to read

Bind a View to a View Model

To bind a view to a view model, create a MarkupExtension that resolves the correct ViewModel type:

public class DISource : MarkupExtension {
    public static Func<Type, object, string, object> Resolver { get; set; }

    public Type Type { get; set; }
    public object Key { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) => Resolver?.Invoke(Type, Key, Name);

Register the resolver at the application startup:

protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) {
    DISource.Resolver = Resolve;
object Resolve(Type type, object key, string name) {
    if(type == null)
        return null;
    if(key != null)
        return Container.ResolveKeyed(key, type);
    if(name != null)
        return Container.ResolveNamed(name, type);
    return Container.Resolve(type);

Specify the DataContext in XAML in the following manner:

DataContext="{common:DISource Type=common:MainViewModel}"


Use POCO View Models with Dependency Injection

To use a POCO View Model in a Dependency Injection container, utilize the ViewModelSource.GetPOCOType method to register the POCO type generated at runtime:


View Example

Use Services with Dependency Injection

The recommended technique to use DevExpress services with Dependency Injection varies depending on whether the service has an associated visual element.

  • If the service is attached to a specific visual element, add the following custom AttachServiceBehavior to register it:

    public class AttachServiceBehavior : Behavior<DependencyObject> {
        public static readonly DependencyProperty AtachableServiceProperty =
            DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(AtachableService), typeof(ServiceBase),
            typeof(AttachServiceBehavior), new PropertyMetadata(null, OnAtachableServiceChanged));
        static void OnAtachableServiceChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
            (e.OldValue as ServiceBase)?.Detach();
        public ServiceBase AtachableService {
            get => (ServiceBase)GetValue(AtachableServiceProperty);
            set => SetValue(AtachableServiceProperty, value);
        protected override void OnAttached() {
        protected override void OnDetaching() {
        void AttachService() {
            if(AtachableService == null || AssociatedObject == null)

    Add a public property that corresponds to the service to the View Model:

    public class MainViewModel {
        public INavigationService NavigationService { get; }
        public MainViewModel(INavigationService navigationService) =>
            NavigationService = navigationService;

    Use the AttachServiceBehavior to attach the service to a visual element:

            <common:AttachServiceBehavior Service="{Binding NavigationService}"/>

    View Example

  • If the service does not need to be attached to a specific visual element (such as Message Box Services), you can use the following technique instead:

    1. Register the service in the Dependency Injection container:

      container.RegisterSingleton(typeof(IMessageBoxService), typeof(DXMessageBoxService));
    2. Specify the corresponding View Model property:

      public class MainViewModel {
          IMessageBoxService messageBoxService;
          public MainViewModel(IMessageBoxService dialogService) {
              this.messageBoxService = messageBoxService;


If you configure the service to work with a specific View, Dependency Injection is not recommended. Use the technique described in the following section instead: Implement Services in Your Application.