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Template Gallery

  • 3 minutes to read

The DevExpress Template Gallery contains a set of popular application layouts of DevExpress Controls which you can use in your application. The Template Gallery option automatically appears in the Visual Studio New Project menu after you install the DevExpress controls suite:

TemplateGallery - Create Project

Enter the project name, select the project’s location and click OK to proceed to the main Template Gallery dialog. The following image illustrates this dialog and its elements:

TemplateGallery - Dialog Elements

  • Platform Selector - allows you to select the desired application platform (WinForms, ASP.NET, WPF, NET Core, Windows 10 Apps or XAF).

    TemplateGallery - Platform Selector

  • Language Selector - allows you to choose between Visual C# and Visual Basic.

    TemplateGallery - Language Selector

  • Template Categories - enumerates all the selected platform’s available template groups, version, and language. Templates are grouped by purpose or application UI type.

    TemplateGallery - Template Categories

  • Search Box - allows you to search for specific templates by title.

    TemplateGallery - Search

Once you have chosen the required application options, click the desired template. This navigates to the next dialog, which contains a detailed template description and Back, Create Project and Run Wizard buttons.

WPF Project Templates

WPF Common group

Template Name Description Components in Use
Blank Application An empty application window that supports DevExpress themes and components DXWindow
Simple Ribbon UI Application An application window with Ribbon-based toolbars RibbonControl, RibbonStatusBarControl, DXRibbonWindow
Modular Applications An empty modular application based on the Module Injection Framework. MIF

WPF Business Solutions group

Template Name Description Components in Use
MS Word Inspired Solution An application that emulates the Microsoft Word UI RibbonControl, DockLayoutManager, RichEditControl, DXWindow
MS Outlook Inspired Application An application that emulates the Microsoft Outlook UI RibbonControl, DockLayoutManager, NavBarControl, SchedulerControl, DateNavigator, DXWindow

WPF Windows UI Solutions group

Template Name Description Components in Use
Tile Application A Windows 8-inspired application that displays multiple grouped tile items. Clicking an item navigates the user to the item details page. TileLayoutControl and a Windows Modern UI component (the PageAdornerControl object)
HamburgerMenu MVVM An MVVM application that implements navigation between views using the Hamburger Menu. HamburgerMenu, FrameNavigationService
HamburgerMenu An application that implements navigation between views using the Hamburger Menu. HamburgerMenu

Add DevExpress Item menu

In addition to creating entire DevExpress template-based projects, you can add templated items to existing projects. To do so, right-click your project in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer window and select the Add DevExpress Item menu item, as shown in the figure below.

TemplateGallery - Add New Item

Clicking this menu item invokes the Template Gallery dialog, which is similar to the Project Template Gallery dialog mentioned earlier. This dialog has the same options for choosing the required platform, version, and language. All new item templates are also grouped by type or purpose. You can see this dialog in the following image:

TemplateGallery - Add New Item Dialog WPF

In this dialog, you can create a basic solution from a predefined template based on DevExpress controls. You can also use the 24x7 App Monitoring Template to set up your application so that it reports unhandled exceptions to the DevExpress Logify Alert service (note that Logify Alert is a paid subscription and should be purchased separately).

See Also