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TcxCustomGridTableItem.Properties Property

Provides access to active in-place editor settings.


property Properties: TcxCustomEditProperties read; write;

Property Value

Type Description

Stores settings that correspond to the active in-place editor type.

Cast the property value to the corresponding class of in-place editor settings to access all public API members. Call the Properties.ClassName function to identify the actual class of in-place editor settings.

Refer to the Remarks section for the full list of available in-place editor types.


A data item can use any editor shipped with the ExpressEditors Library as an in-place editor for cell edit operations. An in-place editor instance exists (and, therefore, has its own WinAPI handle) only when a data item cell is being edited. Otherwise, the data item displays a static editor image for resource usage optimization.

VCL Data Grid: An In-Place Spin Editor

Use the PropertiesClassName or PropertiesClass property to switch between available in-place editors if the RepositoryItem property is unspecified.

Available In-Place Editors

PropertiesClassName Value PropertiesClass Value Description
'TdxBarCodeProperties' TdxBarCodeProperties A barcode control without user input functionality.
'TcxBlobEditProperties' TcxBlobEditProperties A Binary Large Object (BLOB) editor.
'TcxButtonEditProperties' TcxButtonEditProperties A single-line text editor with embedded buttons.
'TcxCalcEditProperties' TcxCalcEditProperties A single-line editor with a drop-down calculator window.
'TcxCheckBoxProperties' TcxCheckBoxProperties A check box editor with support for three states.
'TcxCheckComboBoxProperties' TcxCheckComboBoxProperties A combo box editor that can display items with check boxes.
'TcxCheckGroupProperties' TcxCheckGroupProperties An editor designed to display a set of check boxes.
'TcxColorComboBoxProperties' TcxColorComboBoxProperties A color combo box editor.
'TdxColorEditProperties' TdxColorEditProperties An editor designed to select a color in a color gallery embedded into a drop-down window.
'TcxComboBoxProperties' TcxComboBoxProperties A general-purpose combo box editor.
'TcxCurrencyEditProperties' TcxCurrencyEditProperties A numeric editor for currency values.
'TcxDateEditProperties' TcxDateEditProperties A date editor with a drop-down calendar.
'TdxDateTimeWheelPickerProperties' TdxDateTimeWheelPickerProperties A date/time wheel picker editor.
'TcxExtLookupComboBoxProperties' TcxExtLookupComboBoxProperties A lookup editor that displays a Data Grid View in a drop-down window.
'TcxFontNameComboBoxProperties' TcxFontNameComboBoxProperties A combo box that allows users to switch between font typefaces.
'TdxFormattedLabelProperties' TdxFormattedLabelProperties A formatted label editor without user input functionality.
'TcxHyperlinkEditProperties' TcxHyperlinkEditProperties A hyperlink editor that can execute custom commands.
'TcxImageProperties' TcxImageProperties An editor designed to display images.
'TcxImageComboBoxProperties' TcxImageComboBoxProperties A combo box whose items can display text and images.
'TcxLabelProperties' TcxLabelProperties An unformatted label editor without user input functionality.
'TcxLookupComboBoxProperties' TcxLookupComboBoxProperties A lookup combo box populated with values from a data source.
'TdxLookupSparklineProperties' TdxLookupSparklineProperties A lookup sparkline editor.
'TcxMaskEditProperties' TcxMaskEditProperties A single-line text editor with support for input masks.
'TcxMemoProperties' TcxMemoProperties A multi-line editor for plain text.
'TcxMRUEditProperties' TcxMRUEditProperties A single-line text editor that displays a list of most recently used (MRU) items in a drop-down window.
'TdxNumericWheelPickerProperties' TdxNumericWheelPickerProperties A numeric value wheel picker editor.
'TdxOfficeSearchBoxProperties' TdxOfficeSearchBoxProperties A search box that suggests Ribbon or Toolbar UI elements based on user input.
'TcxPopupEditProperties' TcxPopupEditProperties A text editor that can embed a control in a drop-down window.
'TcxProgressBarProperties' TcxProgressBarProperties A progress bar.
'TcxRadioGroupProperties' TcxRadioGroupProperties A container for radio buttons.
'TdxRangeTrackBarProperties' TdxRangeTrackBarProperties A track bar editor with two sliders for value range selection.
'TdxRatingControlProperties' TdxRatingControlProperties A rating control.
'TcxRichEditProperties' TcxRichEditProperties A multi-line rich text editor.
'TcxShellComboBoxProperties' TcxShellComboBoxProperties An editor that combines a combo box and a Shell Tree View control.
'TdxSparklineProperties' TdxSparklineProperties An editor that visualizes data as lightweight charts without axes and labels.
'TcxSpinEditProperties' TcxSpinEditProperties A general-purpose numeric spin editor.
'TcxTextEditProperties' TcxTextEditProperties A simple single-line text editor.
'TcxTimeEditProperties' TcxTimeEditProperties A spin editor for time values.
'TdxToggleSwitchProperties' TdxToggleSwitchProperties A toggle switch editor.
'TdxTokenEditProperties' TdxTokenEditProperties A token editor.
'TcxTrackBarProperties' TcxTrackBarProperties A track bar editor with one slider.


To identify the actual class of active editor settings, call the Properties.ClassName function.

Design-Time Functionality

You can select any available in-place editor in a drop-down list of a grid table item’s Properties node displayed in the Object Inspector:

VCL Data Grid: An In-Place Editor List in the Object Inspector

Code Example: Create an Unbound Column and Configure Its In-Place Editor

The following code example creates an unbound Table View column, assigns an in-place spin editor to it, and limits the editor’s input value range:

uses cxSpinEdit;
// ...
  AColumn: TcxGridColumn;
  ASpinEditProperties: TcxSpinEditProperties;
  AColumn := cxGrid1TableView1.CreateColumn;  // Creates a new unbound column
  AColumn.DataBinding.ValueType := 'Currency'; // Changes the column value type to "Currency"
  AColumn.PropertiesClassName := 'TcxSpinEditProperties'; // Assigns an in-place spin editor
  ASpinEditProperties := TcxSpinEditProperties(AColumn.Properties);
  ASpinEditProperties.MinValue := 0;  // Sets the minimum edit value
  ASpinEditProperties.MaxValue := 1000; // Sets the maximum edit value
  ASpinEditProperties.Circular := True; // Loops value changes within the defined range

VCL Data Grid: A Column with an In-Place Spin Editor

Important Limitations


Do not change PropertiesClass, PropertiesClassName, and Properties property values in OnGetProperties and OnGetPropertiesForEdit event handlers. Otherwise, drawing errors and access violations may occur.

To change the active editor and modify its settings safely within these event handlers, use the RepositoryItem property and TcxEditRepositoryItem class descendants. Refer to OnGetProperties and OnGetPropertiesForEdit event descriptions for detailed information and code examples.

Default In-Place Editors

A grid table item uses the default in-place editor if Properties, PropertiesClass, PropertiesClassName, and RepositoryItem properties are unspecified. The grid table item uses one of the following in-place editors as default depending on DataBinding.ValueType and DataBinding.ValueTypeClass property values:

ValueType[1] Value ValueTypeClass[1] Value Default Editor
'Boolean' TcxBooleanValueType TcxCheckBox
'Currency' TcxCurrencyValueType TcxCurrencyEdit
'DateTime' TcxDateTimeValueType TcxDateEdit
'FMTBcd' TcxFMTBcdValueType TcxCurrencyEdit
'SQLTimeStamp' TcxSQLTimeStampValueType TcxDateEdit
Any other value Any other value TcxTextEdit
  1. DataBinding.ValueType and DataBinding.ValueTypeClass property values define the default in-place editor for the grid table item regardless of the active data access mode.

See Also