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TcxEditRepository.Items Property

Provides indexed access to all stored edit repository items.


property Items[Index: Integer]: TcxEditRepositoryItem read; default;

Property Value

Type Description

An edit repository item.

To access all public API members of a stored edit repository item, cast the returned object to the corresponding edit repository class. Call the Items.ClassName function to identify the actual repository item class.

Refer to the Remarks section for information on all available edit repository item types.


Use the Items property to access individual edit repository items. To identify the number of repository items accessible through the Items property, use the Count property.

The Items property provides indexed access to stored edit repository items as TcxEditRepositoryItem objects. To access all public API members of the target repository item, cast it to the corresponding TcxEditRepositoryItem class descendant.

Available Edit Repository Item Types

Every repository item type (a TcxEditRepositoryItem class descendant) defines the corresponding in-place editor type and stores its settings accessible through the Properties property. The following table lists all available edit repository items and corresponding in-place editor classes:

Repository Item Type In-Place Editor Description
TcxEditRepositoryBarCodeItem TdxBarCode A barcode control without user input functionality.
TcxEditRepositoryBlobItem TcxBlobEdit A Binary Large Object (BLOB) editor.
TcxEditRepositoryButtonItem TcxButtonEdit A single-line text editor with embedded buttons.
TcxEditRepositoryCalcItem TcxCalcEdit A single-line editor with a drop-down calculator window.
TcxEditRepositoryCheckBoxItem TcxCheckBox A check box editor with support for three states.
TcxEditRepositoryCheckComboBox TcxCheckComboBox A combo box editor that can display items with check boxes.
TcxEditRepositoryCheckGroupItem TcxCheckGroup An editor designed to display a set of check boxes.
TcxEditRepositoryColorComboBox TcxColorComboBox A color combo box editor.
TcxEditRepositoryColorEdit TdxColorEdit An editor designed to select a color in a color gallery embedded into a drop-down window.
TcxEditRepositoryComboBoxItem TcxComboBox A general-purpose combo box editor.
TcxEditRepositoryCurrencyItem TcxCurrencyEdit A numeric editor for currency values.
TcxEditRepositoryDateItem TcxDateEdit A date editor with a drop-down calendar.
TcxEditRepositoryDateTimeWheelPickerItem TdxDateTimeWheelPicker A date/time wheel picker editor.
TcxEditRepositoryExtLookupComboBoxItem TcxExtLookupComboBox A lookup editor that displays a Data Grid View in a drop-down window.
TcxEditRepositoryFontNameComboBox TcxFontNameComboBox A combo box that allows users to switch between font typefaces.
TcxEditRepositoryFormattedLabel TdxFormattedLabel A formatted label editor without user input functionality.
TcxEditRepositoryHyperLinkItem TcxHyperLinkEdit A hyperlink editor that can execute custom commands.
TcxEditRepositoryImageComboBoxItem TcxImageComboBox A combo box whose items can display text and images.
TcxEditRepositoryImageItem TcxImage An editor designed to display images.
TcxEditRepositoryLabel TcxLabel An unformatted label editor without user input functionality.
TcxEditRepositoryLookupComboBoxItem TcxLookupComboBox A lookup combo box populated with values from a data source.
TcxEditRepositoryLookupSparklineItem TdxLookupSparklineEdit A lookup sparkline editor.
TcxEditRepositoryMRUItem TcxMRUEdit A single-line text editor that displays a list of most recently used (MRU) items in a drop-down window.
TcxEditRepositoryMaskItem TcxMaskEdit A single-line text editor with support for input masks.
TcxEditRepositoryMemoItem TcxMemo A multi-line editor for plain text.
TcxEditRepositoryNumericWheelPickerItem TdxNumericWheelPicker A numeric value wheel picker editor.
TcxEditRepositoryPopupItem TcxPopupEdit A text editor that can embed a control in a drop-down window.
TcxEditRepositoryProgressBar TcxProgressBar A progress bar without user input functionality.
TcxEditRepositoryRadioGroupItem TcxRadioGroup A container for radio buttons.
TcxEditRepositoryRangeTrackBar TdxRangeTrackBar A track bar editor with two sliders that allow users to select a value range.
TcxEditRepositoryRatingControl TdxRatingControl A rating control.
TcxEditRepositoryRichItem TcxRichEdit A multi-line rich text editor.
TcxEditRepositorySparklineItem TdxSparklineEdit An editor that visualizes data as lightweight charts without axes and labels.
TcxEditRepositorySpinItem TcxSpinEdit A general-purpose numeric spin editor.
TcxEditRepositoryTextItem TcxTextEdit A simple single-line text editor.
TcxEditRepositoryTimeItem TcxTimeEdit A spin editor for time values.
TcxEditRepositoryToggleSwitchItem TdxToggleSwitch A toggle switch editor.
TcxEditRepositoryTokenItem TdxTokenEdit A token editor.
TcxEditRepositoryTrackBar TcxTrackBar A track bar editor with two sliders for value range selection.
See Also