SchedulerTimeRuler Class
A time ruler for SchedulerControl.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll
Time rulers are used to display the time of the view's visible interval, specified by the DayView.VisibleTime property. The Day and Work-Week views allow an unlimited number of time rulers to be displayed. They store their time rulers within their DayView.TimeRulers collection.
The time ruler's TimeRuler.Caption property specifies the ruler's caption. Commonly, captions are used to indicate a time zone or geographical region whose standard time a ruler displays. A time zone whose standard time a time ruler displays is specified by the TimeRuler.TimeZone property. The TimeRuler.ShowCurrentTime and TimeRuler.ShowMinutes properties allow you to specify whether the time slider which indicates the current time and minutes are displayed, respectively.
It's also possible to specify whether the time ruler maintains daylight-saving time. Use the TimeRuler.AdjustForDaylightSavingTime property for this purpose.