EditAppointmentFormEventArgs Class
Provides data for the SchedulerControl.EditAppointmentFormShowing and SchedulerControl.EditRecurrentAppointmentFormShowing events.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll
The SchedulerControl.EditAppointmentFormShowing event occurs before the Edit Appointment form is invoked. The EditAppointmentFormEventArgs class introduces the EditAppointmentFormEventArgs.Appointment property, that specifies the appointment for which the form is shown.
The SchedulerControl.EditRecurrentAppointmentFormShowing event occurs before the Open Recurring Item dialog is invoked, when an end-user decides to edit a recurrent appointment. The Open Recurring Item dialog allows end-users to specify whether the whole series of recurring appointments should be edited or only the selected occurrence. The EditAppointmentFormEventArgs.Appointment property specifies the appointment occurrence for which the form is shown.
Note that EditAppointmentFormEventArgs objects are automatically created, initialized and passed to the SchedulerControl.EditAppointmentFormShowing and SchedulerControl.EditRecurrentAppointmentFormShowing event handlers.