AppointmentMapping Class
Provides information on the mapping of the appointment properties to the appropriate data fields.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll
public class AppointmentMapping :
PersistentObjectMapping<AppointmentDataStorage, Appointment>
#Returned By
The AppointmentStorage.Mappings property returns an instance of AppointmentMapping.
The AppointmentMapping class contains a set of properties whose names are similar to the persistent properties declared within the Appointment class. If the appointment storage object (AppointmentStorage) is bound to a datasource via its DataSource property, the properties of the AppointmentMapping class allow the corresponding persistent properties of appointments to be bound to the appropriate fields in the datasource.
An AppointmentMapping object can be accessed via the appointments storage's AppointmentStorage.Mappings property.
This example demonstrates how to specify standard mappings for appointment properties via the AppointmentStorage.Mappings property.