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SubDocument.InsertTable(DocumentPosition, Int32, Int32, AutoFitBehaviorType, Int32) Method


This method has become obsolete. Use the 'Create' method instead.

Inserts a blank table with the specified number of rows and columns at the specified position.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native

Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v19.1.Core.dll


[Obsolete("This method has become obsolete. Use the 'DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TableCollection.Create(DocumentPosition pos, int rowCount, int columnCount, AutoFitBehaviorType autoFitBehavior, int fixedColumnWidths)' method instead.")]
Table InsertTable(
    DocumentPosition pos,
    int rowCount,
    int columnCount,
    AutoFitBehaviorType autoFitBehavior,
    int fixedColumnWidths


Name Type Description
pos DocumentPosition

A DocumentPosition at which a table is inserted.

rowCount Int32

An integer specifying the number of rows in a new table.

columnCount Int32

An integer specifying the number of columns in a new table.

autoFitBehavior AutoFitBehaviorType

An AutoFitBehaviorType enumeration value, specifying how the column widths are calculated.

fixedColumnWidths Int32

An integer specifying the column width if the autoFitBehavior parameter is set to AutoFitBehaviorType.FixedColumnWidth.


Type Description

A Table interface specifying the newly inserted table.

See Also