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.NET Framework 4.5.2+

CharacterStyle Properties

Exposes methods and characteristics of a character style in a document.
Name Description
AllCaps Gets or sets a value indicating whether all characters are capital letters. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
BackColor Gets or sets the background color of character(s). Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
Bold Gets or sets a value indicating whether characters are bold. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
FontName Gets or sets the character(s) font name. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
FontNameAscii Specifies the name of the font for Unicode (U+0000–U+007F) characters. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
FontNameComplexScript Specifies the font name for the Complex Script characters (right-to-left languages). Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
FontNameEastAsia Specifies the font name for East Asian characters. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
FontNameHighAnsi Specifies the name of the font for High ANSI characters. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
FontSize Gets or sets the character(s) font size. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
ForeColor Gets or sets the foreground color of characters. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
Hidden Gets or sets a value indicating whether a character(s) is hidden. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
HighlightColor Gets or sets the text’s highlight color. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
IsDeleted Gets whether the specified style is marked as deleted.
Italic Gets or sets a value indicating whether a character(s) is italicized. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
KerningThreshold Gets or sets the minimum font size for which the kerning is adjusted automatically. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
Language Specifies the spell check and hyphenation language. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
LinkedStyle Gets or sets the linked style for the current style.
Name Gets or sets the name of the style.
NoProof Specifies whether or not the text shall be proof read by the spell checker. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
Parent Gets or sets the style form which the current style inherits.
Position Gets or sets the position of characters (in points) relative to the base line. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
Primary Gets or sets whether the style is primary for the document.
Scale Gets or sets the font’s scaling percentage. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
SmallCaps Gets or sets whether all characters are small capital letters. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
SnapToGrid Specifies whether to snap East-Asian characters to a grid when the grid is defined. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
Spacing Gets or sets the spacing (in twips) between characters. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
Strikeout Gets or sets a value indicating whether characters are strikeout. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
Subscript Gets or sets a value indicating whether character(s) are formatted as subscript. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
Superscript Gets or sets a value indicating whether character(s) are formatted as superscript. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
ThemeFontAscii Specifies theme font for Unicode (U+0000–U+007F) characters. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
ThemeFontComplexScript Specifies the theme font for the Complex Script characters (right-to-left languages). Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
ThemeFontEastAsia Specifies the theme font for East Asian characters. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
ThemeFontHighAnsi Specifies the theme font for High ANSI characters. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
Underline Gets or sets the type of underline applied to the character(s). Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
UnderlineColor Gets or sets the color of the underline for the specified characters. Inherited from CharacterPropertiesBase.
See Also