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SpinnerFormControl Members

Spinner form control.


Name Description
AlternativeText Gets or sets the descriptive (alternative) text for a drawing object. Inherited from Shape.
BottomRightCell Gets or sets a cell where the bottom right corner of a floating object is located. Inherited from FloatingObject.
ConnectorFormat Provides access to the shape connector settings. Inherited from Shape.
Decorative Gets or sets whether the shape is marked as decorative. Inherited from Shape.
Fill Provides access to fill options for the specified drawing object. Inherited from ShapeFormatBase.
FormControlType Indicates the form control type. Inherited from FormControl.
Height Gets or sets the height of the floating object. Inherited from FloatingObject.
Hyperlink Gets the hyperlink associated with a drawing object (picture). Inherited from Shape.
Id Gets the drawing object identifier. Inherited from Shape.
Left Gets or sets the distance from the left edge of the worksheet to the top left corner of the floating object. Inherited from FloatingObject.
LinkedCell Specifies a cell linked to the form control. This cell has the value specified by the form control. Inherited from LinkedCellFormControl.
LockAspectRatio Gets or sets whether the floating object retains its original proportions after resizing. Inherited from FloatingObject.
Locked Gets or sets whether to prevent users from deleting and editing the form control. Inherited from FormControl.
Max Specifies the maximum value in the range. Inherited from RangeFormControl.
Min Specifies the minimum value in the range. Inherited from RangeFormControl.
Name Gets or sets the name of the drawing object. Inherited from Shape.
OffsetX Gets a distance from the top left corner of the floating to the left edge of the cell where the top left corner of the floating object is located. Inherited from FloatingObject.
OffsetY Gets a distance from the top left corner of the floating object to the top edge of the cell where the top left corner of the floating object is located. Inherited from FloatingObject.
Outline Provides access to the options used to format an outline of the specified drawing object. Inherited from ShapeFormatBase.
ParentGroup Retrieves the group in which the current shape is contained. Inherited from Shape.
Placement Gets or sets the behavior of the floating object regarding the cells below. Inherited from FloatingObject.
PrintObject Specifies whether to print the form control. Inherited from FormControl.
Rotation Gets or sets the rotation of the drawing object, in degrees. Inherited from Shape.
Shading3D Gets or sets whether to enable 3D shading of the content control borders. Inherited from ShadedFormControl.
ShapeGeometry Provides access to the shape’s geometry options. Inherited from Shape.
ShapeText Provides access to the shape’s text options. Inherited from Shape.
ShapeType Returns the type of the drawing object. Inherited from Shape.
SmallChange Gets or sets the value by which the Value property changes when the user presses one of the arrow keys or clicks one of the scrollbar buttons. Inherited from RangeFormControl.
Top Gets or sets the distance from the top edge of the worksheet to the top left corner of the floating object. Inherited from FloatingObject.
TopLeftCell Gets or sets a cell where the top left corner of a floating object is located. Inherited from FloatingObject.
Value Specifies the scroll box’s current position. Inherited from RangeFormControl.
Width Gets or sets the width of the floating object. Inherited from FloatingObject.
ZOrderPosition Gets the position of the current drawing object in the z-order. Inherited from Shape.


Name Description
Delete() Deletes a drawing object. Inherited from Shape.
ExportToImage() Saves the drawing object as an image. Inherited from Shape.
ExportToImage(Stream, ImageFileFormat) Saves the drawing object as an image in the specified format. Inherited from Shape.
ExportToImage(String, ImageFileFormat) Saves the drawing object as an image in the specified format. Inherited from Shape.
GetChildren() Retrieves the list of nested shapes and shape groups. Inherited from Shape.
IncrementRotation(Int32) Increments the rotation angle of the drawing object by the specified number of degrees. Inherited from Shape.
InsertHyperlink(String, Boolean) Associates a hyperlink with the drawing object. Inherited from Shape.
Move(Single, Single) Moves a floating object by a specified offset. Inherited from FloatingObject.
RemoveHyperlink() Removes the hyperlink associated with the current drawing object. Inherited from Shape.
See Also