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ZipArchive Methods

The central object of the library - a package of entries containing compressed data.
Name Description
AddByteArray(String, Byte[]) Creates a zip item from a byte array and adds it to archive.
AddDirectory(String, String) Recursively add files and directories to the archive.
AddDirectory(String) Recursively add files and directories to the archive directory named by the last component of the specified path.
AddFile(String, String) Creates a zip file item for the specified file and adds it to the specified path in the archive.
AddFile(String) Creates a zip file item for the specified file and adds it to the archive.
AddFiles(IEnumerable<String>, String) Adds files to the archive at the specified path.
AddFiles(IEnumerable<String>) Adds files to archive.
AddStream(String, Stream) Creates a zip stream item and adds it to the archive.
AddText(String, String, Encoding) Creates a text zip item and adds it to archive.
AddText(String, String) Creates a text zip item and adds it to the archive.
AddText(String) Creates an empty text zip item and adds it to archive.
Dispose() Clears all zip items, disposes all associated streams and releases all resources used by the ZipArchive object.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Extract() Extract all archive items as files into the current directory.
Extract(String, AllowFileOverwriteMode) Extracts all archive items as files into the specified directory and enables you to define the behavior in case of file name conflicts.
Extract(String) Extracts all archive items as files into the specified directory.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
IsValid() Reserved for future use.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
Read(Stream, Encoding, Boolean) static Static method that creates a ZipArchive instance from the specified stream containing zipped data, use the specified encoding for the zip item names and allows you not to catch exceptions when extracting a particular zip entry.
Read(Stream, Encoding) static Static method that creates a ZipArchive instance from the specified stream containing zipped data.
Read(Stream) static Static method that creates a ZipArchive instance from the specified stream containing zipped data.
Read(String, Encoding, Boolean) static Static method that creates a ZipArchive instance from the archive file, uses the specified encoding for the zip item names and allows you not to catch exceptions when extracting a particular zip entry.
Read(String, Encoding) static Static method that creates a ZipArchive instance from the specified archive file.
Read(String) static Static method that creates a ZipArchive instance from the specified archive file.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RemoveItem(ZipItem) Deletes a specified zip item from the archive.
RemoveItem(String) Deletes a specified zip item from the archive.
Save(Stream) Compresses data and saves it to a specified stream.
Save(String) Compresses data and saves it to a file.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
UpdateDirectory(String, String) Recursively updates files and nested directories starting from the specified directory.
UpdateDirectory(String) Recursively updates files and nested directories starting from the specified directory.
UpdateFile(String, String) Updates content of the zip file item.
UpdateFile(String) Updates content of the zip file item.
UpdateStream(String, Stream) Updates the content of the zip stream item.
UpdateText(String, String, Encoding) Updates the content of the zip text item and specifies a new character encoding.
UpdateText(String, String) Updates the content of the zip text item.
Validate() Verifies archive entries by extracting them into memory and catching exceptions.
See Also