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BarCode.Module Property

Gets or sets the width of the narrowest bar or space in the bar code.

Namespace: DevExpress.BarCodes

Assembly: DevExpress.Docs.v19.1.dll


public double Module { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A Double value which represents the width of the narrowest bar or space.


The Module property cannot be set to a value less than or equal to 0.

Note that if the Module property is set to a very small value, a bar code image may be unreadable by a scanner.

The code sample below creates a QR code and displays it in a PictureBox.

using DevExpress.BarCodes;
this.pictureBox1.Image = null;

BarCode barCode = new BarCode();
barCode.Symbology = Symbology.QRCode;
barCode.CodeText = "";
barCode.BackColor = Color.White;
barCode.ForeColor = Color.Black;
barCode.RotationAngle = 0;
barCode.CodeBinaryData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(barCode.CodeText);
barCode.Options.QRCode.CompactionMode = QRCodeCompactionMode.Byte;
barCode.Options.QRCode.ErrorLevel = QRCodeErrorLevel.Q;
barCode.Options.QRCode.ShowCodeText = false;
barCode.DpiX = 72;
barCode.DpiY = 72;
barCode.Module = 2f;

this.pictureBox1.Image = barCode.BarCodeImage;
pictureBox1.Size = pictureBox1.Image.Size;
See Also