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DXPopup Members

A popup view that you can attach to any view on the screen or show as a separate dialog.


Name Description
DXPopup() Initializes a new instance of the DXPopup class.


Name Description
AllowAnimationProperty static Identifies the AllowAnimation dependency property.
AllowScrimProperty static Identifies the AllowScrim dependency property.
AllowShadowProperty static Identifies the AllowShadow dependency property.
AnimationDurationProperty static Identifies the AnimationDuration dependency property.
ContentProperty static Identifies the Content dependency property.
CornerRadiusProperty static Identifies the CornerRadius dependency property.
HorizontalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the HorizontalAlignment dependency property.
IsOpenProperty static Identifies the IsOpen dependency property.
PlacementHorizontalThresholdProperty static Identifies the PlacementHorizontalThreshold dependency property.
PlacementProperty static Identifies the Placement dependency property.
PlacementTargetProperty static Identifies the PlacementTarget dependency property.
PlacementVerticalThresholdProperty static Identifies the PlacementVerticalThreshold dependency property.
ScrimColorProperty static Identifies the ScrimColor dependency property.
ShadowColorProperty static Identifies the ShadowColor dependency property.
ShadowHorizontalOffsetProperty static Identifies the ShadowHorizontalOffset dependency property.
ShadowRadiusProperty static Identifies the ShadowRadius dependency property.
ShadowVerticalOffsetProperty static Identifies the ShadowVerticalOffset dependency property.
VerticalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the VerticalAlignment dependency property.


Name Description
AllowAnimation Gets or sets whether the Popup opens and closes with a fade animation effect.
AllowScrim Enables a scrim to use a Popup as a modal window.
AllowShadow Gets or sets whether the Popup’s shadow is visible.
Content Gets or sets a view the Popup displays.
CornerRadius Gets or sets the Popup corner radius.
IsOpen Indicates whether the Popup is visible.
ScrimColor Gets or sets the scrim color and transparency.
ShadowColor Gets or sets the color of the Popup’s shadow.
ShadowRadius Gets or sets the blur radius of the Popup’s shadow.


Name Description
Closed Occurs after the Popup closes.
Closing Occurs before the Popup closes and allows you to cancel this action.
ClosingAnimationCompleted Occurs after the Popup’s closing animation completes.
ClosingAnimationStarting Occurs before the Popup’s closing animation starts.
Opened Occurs after the Popup appears.
Opening Occurs before the Popup appears and allows you to cancel this action.
OpeningAnimationCompleted Occurs after the Popup’s opening animation completes.
OpeningAnimationStarting Occurs before the Popup’s opening animation starts.
See Also