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ASPxDashboardViewer.ConfigureDataConnection Event

Allows you to customize connection settings before the ASPxDashboardViewer connects to a data store (database, OLAP cube, etc.).

Namespace: DevExpress.DashboardWeb

Assembly: DevExpress.Dashboard.v18.2.Web.WebForms.dll


public event ConfigureDataConnectionWebEventHandler ConfigureDataConnection

Event Data

The ConfigureDataConnection event's data class is ConfigureDataConnectionWebEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ConnectionName Gets the name of the connection for which the event has been raised. Inherited from ConfigureDataConnectionEventArgs.
ConnectionParameters Gets or sets parameters used to establish a connection to data. Inherited from ConfigureDataConnectionEventArgs.
DashboardId Gets the identifier of the current dashboard.
DataSourceName Gets the data source name for which the event was raised. Inherited from DashboardConfigureDataConnectionEventArgs.


The ConfigureDataConnection event is raised before the connection to a data store is established and allows you to customize connection settings.

To specify connection parameters, you have to cast an object returned by the e.ConnectionParameters property to a proper type, depending on the data source type, as the following table illustrates.

Data Source

Parameter Type

Custom Data Source

To specify a custom connection string, cast an object to the CustomStringConnectionParameters class and assign a custom connection string to the ConnectionString property.


You can use a custom connection string to get data from an xml file containing valid schema. The string looks as follows: “xpoprovider=InMemoryDataStore;data source=””your_data_file.xml””;read only=True”

SQL Data Source

The base type is the SqlServerConnectionParametersBase class which defines the basic connection parameters: DatabaseName, Password, ServerName and UserName. To specify other data provider parameters, cast an object to any of the following types:

OLAP Data Source

To specify the OLAP connection string, cast an object to the OlapConnectionParameters type and use the ConnectionString property.

Excel Data Source

To specfy a path to a Microsoft Excel workbook/CSV file, cast an object to the ExcelDataSourceConnectionParameters type and use the FileName and Password properties.

Extract Data Source

To specfy a path to a data extract file and a data driver to access the data, cast an object to the ExtractDataSourceConnectionParameters type and use the FileName and DriverName properties.

Entity Framework Data Source

Event does not occur.

Object Data Source

Event does not occur.

Handle the DataLoading event instead.

This event is raised when the dashboard is supplied with data using one of the following data source types:


If the dashboard is supplied with data using the DashboardObjectDataSource data source, the Dashboard.DataLoading event is fired instead.

See Also