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Access to Underlying Widgets

  • 3 minutes to read

The Web Dashboard control uses DevExtreme widgets to visualize dashboard items’ data. You can access these widgets and customize their settings to add specific capabilities.

The ASPxClientDashboard exposes the following events that allow you to access these widgets and customize their settings:

The ASPxClientDashboardItemWidgetEventArgs.ItemName event parameter returns the name of the dashboard item whose widget can be customized. Use the ASPxClientDashboardItemWidgetEventArgs.GetWidget method to access the corresponding underlying widget.

The following table lists dashboard items whose underlying widgets can be accessed when you handle the ItemWidget… events:

Dashboard Item Underlying Widget(s)
GridItem dxDataGrid
PieItem an array of dxPieChart widgets
GaugeItem an array of dxCircularGauge or dxLinearGauge widgets
MapItem dxVectorMap
PivotItem dxPivotGrid
ComboBoxItem dxSelectBox or dxTagBox
ListBoxItem dxList
TreeViewItem dxTreeList
dxTreeView (for v17.1 and earlier)
TreemapItem dxTreeMap
RangeFilterItem dxRangeSelector
CardItem CardWidget
DateFilterItem DateFilterWidget
TextBoxItem n/a[1]
ImageItem n/a[1]
CustomItem n/a[2]


Do not change the following settings to avoid possible issues:

  • data binding settings;
  • basic data presentation settings (for instance, a set of grid columns or chart series).

Note that changes made with the ItemWidget… events do not change the dashboard/dashboard items’ appearance in exported documents.


This example demonstrates how to customize client widgets used to visualize data within dashboard items at runtime using ASPxClientDashboard‘s API.

The following options are changed:

  • The hovered grid row is highlighted in the underlying dxDataGrid in the ItemWidgetCreated event handler.
  • A standard tooltip in the dxChart series point is disabled. Click the required label on the argument axis to invoke a tooltip. The ItemWidgetUpdated and ItemWidgetUpdating event are used to subscribe and unsubscribe to/from the argumentAxisClick event.
  • A pie legend is shown for the underlying dxPieChart.
@Html.DevExpress().Dashboard(settings => {
    settings.Name = "Dashboard";
    settings.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
    settings.Height = Unit.Percentage(100);
    settings.WorkingMode = DevExpress.DashboardWeb.WorkingMode.ViewerOnly;
    settings.ClientSideEvents.ItemWidgetCreated = "function(s, e) { customizeWidgets(s, e); }";
    settings.ClientSideEvents.ItemWidgetUpdated = "function(s, e) { customizeWidgets(s, e); }";
    settings.ClientSideEvents.ItemWidgetUpdating = "function(s, e) { unsubscribeFromEvents(s, e); }";
<script src="~/Scripts/WidgetCustomization.js"></script>
  1. The content of the TextBoxItem and the ImageItem is an HTML element wrapped in a jQuery object.

  2. The CustomItem is a custom widget. You can customize it directly.