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Manage Exporting Capabilities

  • 4 minutes to read

The Web Dashboard allows end-users to export an entire dashboard or individual dashboard items.

Server-Side API

The ASP.NET Core Dashboard control’s server-side API allows you to customize the default export options, customize export documents at runtime, etc. To export an entire dashboard or individual dashboard items, use members of the WebDashboardExporter class.

API Description
DashboardExportOptionBuilder.AllowExportDashboard Specifies whether end-users can export a dashboard.
DashboardExportOptionBuilder.AllowExportDashboardItems Specifies whether the dashboard items can be exported by end-users.
DashboardExportOptionBuilder.PdfExportOptions Contains options which define how the dashboard item is exported to the PDF format.
DashboardExportOptionBuilder.ImageExportOptions Contains options which define how the dashboard item is exported to the Image format.
DashboardExportOptionBuilder.ExcelExportOptions Contains options which define how the dashboard item is exported to the Excel format.
DashboardExportOptionBuilder.OnExportDialogHidden A handler for the event occurring when the export dialog is hidden.
DashboardExportOptionBuilder.OnExportDialogShowing A handler for the event occurring before the export dialog is shown.
DashboardExportOptionBuilder.OnExportDialogShown A handler for the event occurring after the export dialog is shown.
WebDashboardExporter.ExportDashboardItemToExcel Exports the dashboard item to the specified stream in Excel format.
WebDashboardExporter.ExportDashboardItemToImage Exports the dashboard item to the specified stream in Image format.
WebDashboardExporter.ExportDashboardItemToPdf Exports the dashboard item to the specified stream in PDF format.
WebDashboardExporter.ExportToExcel Exports a dashboard to the specified stream in Excel format.
WebDashboardExporter.ExportToImage Exports a dashboard to the specified stream in Image format.
WebDashboardExporter.ExportToPdf Exports a dashboard to the specified stream in PDF format.

Client-Side API

You can use the Web Dashboard’s client-side API for exporting to various formats, customizing export options, etc.

API Description
DashboardExportExtension.exportToPdf Exports the entire dashboard to a PDF file.
DashboardExportExtension.exportToImage Exports the entire dashboard to an image.
DashboardExportExtension.exportToExcel Exports the entire dashboard to an Excel file.
DashboardExportExtension.exportDashboardItemToPdf Exports a dashboard item to a PDF file.
DashboardExportExtension.exportDashboardItemToImage Exports a dashboard item to an image.
DashboardExportExtension.exportDashboardItemToExcel Exports a dashboard item to an Excel file.
DashboardExportExtension.getPdfExportOptions Returns options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to the PDF format.
DashboardExportExtension.getImageExportOptions Returns options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to the Image format.
DashboardExportExtension.getExcelExportOptions Returns options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to the Excel format.
DashboardExportExtension.setPdfExportOptions Sets options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to the PDF format.
DashboardExportExtension.setImageExportOptions Sets options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to the Image format.
DashboardExportExtension.setExcelExportOptions Sets options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to the Excel format.
DashboardExportExtension.showExportDashboardDialog Invokes the dialog that allows end-users to export the entire dashboard to the specified format.
DashboardExportExtension.showExportDashboardItemDialog Invokes the dialog that allows end users to export the dashboard item to the specified format.

Implement Server-Side Export

The WebDashboardExporter class allows you to implement server export for the ASP.NET MVC Dashboard extension and ASP.NET Core Dashboard control. You can specify a dashboard state and export options to be applied to the resulting document. Refer to the WebDashboardExporter class description for more information.

Exporting Specifics in Linux

The ASP.NET Core Dashboard has the following exporting specifics:

Compatibility Mode

If the dashboard or specific dashboard items are exported to PDF or image formats, their content is saved to the Windows Metafile format, which is not supported by .NET Core. To overcome this limitation, set the DashboardExportSettings.CompatibilityMode property to DashboardExportCompatibilityMode.Restricted at the application startup.

using DevExpress.DashboardCommon;
// ...

public Startup(IConfiguration configuration, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment) {
    Configuration = configuration;
    FileProvider = hostingEnvironment.ContentRootFileProvider;
    DashboardExportSettings.CompatibilityMode = DashboardExportCompatibilityMode.Restricted;

In this case, images from the corresponding exported documents will be always rendered as bitmaps.

Docker Support

Refer to the Visual Studio Tools for Docker with ASP.NET Core tutorial for instructions on how to dockerize (add to a Docker container) your ASP.NET Core Web Dashboard application.

Make the following changes to the docker file configuration when you add the application to a Linux container:

 FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:2.1 AS base
 RUN apt-get update
 RUN apt-get install -y libgdiplus libc6-dev
 RUN apt-get install -y libicu-dev libharfbuzz0b libfontconfig1 libfreetype6

Export to Image

Export to image is disabled for .NET Core because of some problems in the Libgdiplus library. See T685212 and T685811 for more information.

See Also