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How to: Synchronize Master Filter and Drill Down Actions Between Dashboards

  • 4 minutes to read

View Example: Winforms Dashboards - How to Synchronize Master Filter and Drill-Down Actions

This example demonstrates how to synchronize Master Filter and Drill-Down actions between different dashboards.

The main form contains the Dashboard Designer control. The Show Child Form command in the Example group on the Home tab invokes a child form with a Dashboard Viewer control. Master Filtering and Drill-Down actions performed in the main form are applied to the child form.

To accomplish this, the child form subscribes to the following events of the main form’s DashboardDesigner control:

When an event occurs, the following methods are used to apply filter values to the child form’s DashboardViewer control or to perform the data drill-down or drill-up operations:

using DevExpress.DashboardCommon;
using DevExpress.DashboardCommon.ViewerData;
using DevExpress.DashboardWin;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;

namespace WinDashboard_LinkedInteractivity
    public partial class Form2 : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm
        public new Form1 ParentForm { get; set; }

        public Form2(Form1 parentForm)
            this.ParentForm = parentForm;
            DashboardDesigner dParentControl = this.ParentForm.DControl;
            dParentControl.MasterFilterSet += DControl_MasterFilterSet;
            dParentControl.MasterFilterCleared += DControl_MasterFilterCleared;
            dParentControl.DrillDownPerformed += DControl_DrillDownPerformed;
            dParentControl.DrillUpPerformed += DControl_DrillUpPerformed;

        bool HasDashboardItem(string itemName)
            return this.dashboardViewer1.Dashboard.Items.
                Select(i => i.ComponentName).Contains(itemName);

        private void DControl_MasterFilterSet(object sender, MasterFilterSetEventArgs e)
            if (HasDashboardItem(e.DashboardItemName))
                string itemName = e.DashboardItemName;
                if (e.SelectedValues != null)
                    this.dashboardViewer1.SetMasterFilter(itemName, e.SelectedValues);
                if (e.SelectedRange != null)
                    this.dashboardViewer1.SetRange(itemName, e.SelectedRange);
        private void DControl_MasterFilterCleared(object sender, MasterFilterClearedEventArgs e)
            if (HasDashboardItem(e.DashboardItemName))
                string itemName = e.DashboardItemName;
                if (this.dashboardViewer1.CanClearMasterFilter(itemName))
        private void DControl_DrillDownPerformed(object sender, DrillActionEventArgs e)
            if (HasDashboardItem(e.DashboardItemName))
                string itemName = e.DashboardItemName;
                DashboardDataRow row = e.Values[0];
                object value = row[row.Length - 1];

                IList<AxisPointTuple> tuple = this.dashboardViewer1.GetAvailableDrillDownValues(itemName);
                IEnumerable<object> availableValues = tuple.Select(t => t.GetAxisPoint().UniqueValue);
                if (availableValues.Contains(value))
                    this.dashboardViewer1.PerformDrillDown(e.DashboardItemName, value);
        private void DControl_DrillUpPerformed(object sender, DrillActionEventArgs e)
            if (HasDashboardItem(e.DashboardItemName))
                string itemName = e.DashboardItemName;
                int level = e.DrillDownLevel;
                AxisPointTuple tuple = this.dashboardViewer1.GetCurrentDrillDownValues(itemName);
                if (tuple != null)
                    AxisPoint point = this.dashboardViewer1.GetCurrentDrillDownValues(itemName).GetAxisPoint();
                    int l = 0;
                    while (point.Parent != null)
                        point = point.Parent;
                    if (level + 1 == l && this.dashboardViewer1.CanPerformDrillUp(itemName))