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Mobile Layout in ASP.NET Core

  • 4 minutes to read

You can enable mobile layout for mobile browsers when the Web Dashboard operates in ‘Viewer’ and ‘ViewerOnly’ modes.

Web Dashboard - Mobile Layout

Run Demo: Mobile-Ready Dashboard (Browser Emulator)


For the mobile layout to work correctly in the Web Dashboard control, do the following:

  • Add the Client libraries to the web page.

  • Include the viewport meta tag in the HTML file.

    The browser requires a special tag to render its content in a mobile browser. Without a viewport meta tag, mobile devices render pages at typical desktop screen widths and then scale the pages to fit the screen. Set the viewport to specify the width and scaling of the viewport.

    To do This, include the viewport meta tag in your HTML file inside the <head> block as shown below:

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />

    The content attribute specifies the following properties:

    • The width=device-width property specifies that the page width is set to fit the width of the device’s screen.
    • The user-scalable=no property specifies that zoom in and zoom out actions are not allowed on the page.
    • The initial-scale and maximum-scale properties specify the initial and maximal scale on the page.

#Mobile Layout’s Views

The Web Dashboard in a mobile layout consists of the following views:




List View

The List view displays all dashboard items in the current dashboard. The item’s interactivity is disabled. Filter elements are not displayed in the List view (see Dashboard Items Behavior).

Show image

List View

Item View

The Item view displays the selected item. Interactivity is supported. Filter elements are not displayed in the Item view (see Dashboard Items Behavior).

Show image

Item View

Filter Panel

The Filter panel displays filters that are applied to the dashboard/dashboard items. Click the Filter button (the Filter button icon) in the List View to display all filters in the current dashboard. Click the Filter button in the Item view to see the filters applied to the dashboard item. Click the filter in the Filter panel to open the corresponding filter element and filter data.

Show images

Filter Panel Filter Element

You can register the dashboard panel extension to display a list of available dashboards in mobile layout and to switch between dashboards. After you register the extension, the Dashboards button is displayed at the top of the control.

Dashboard Panel

#Mobile Layout’s Mode

The MobileLayoutExtension extension allows you to use a mobile layout. This layout is automatically enabled on mobile phones. You can use the DashboardMobileLayoutOptionBuilder.MobileLayoutEnabled property to explicitly specify when to enable the mobile layout.

See the MobileLayoutMode enumeration to get values that specify mobile layout mode for the Web Dashboard.

The code below shows how to use the mobile layout for mobile phones and desktop applications:

    .Extensions(e => e.MobileLayout(x => x.MobileLayoutEnabled(MobileLayoutMode.Always)))

You can disable the mobile layout functionality for your Web Dashboard application if you unregister the extension. Call the DashboardControl.unregisterExtension method and pass the extension’s unique name as a parameter:


The mobile layout is automatically detected when the dashboard is loaded. If you use the browser’s Device Emulator in DevTools and switch the emulated device, reload the webpage (F5) to apply the mobile layout correctly.

#Dashboard Items Behavior

The Web Dashboard in mobile layout displays the items listed below with the following specifics:

  • The Grid adjusts columns automatically to the minimum width required to display its content (the ColumnWidthMode is set to AutoFitToContents).
  • Grid hides columns to adapt the content to the screen or container size. Click the ellipsis button in the Grid’s row to display hidden data inside the adaptive detail row.
  • The default column fit of the sparkline and bars is two times tighter than in a desktop version.
  • Column resizing is disabled.
Filter Elements
  • Filter elements are displayed in the Filter panel and hidden in the List and Item views.


You can export only dashboard items and cannot export the entire dashboard when the Web Dashboard displays dashboards on mobile phones.