ASP.NET Web Forms Dashboard Control
- 2 minutes to read
Topics in this section describe how to configure the ASPxDashboard control and integrate it into the Web Forms application.
Lists client libraries that are required for the ASP.NET Web Forms Dashboard.
Guides you through the server-side specifics of the ASP.NET Web Forms Dashboard.
Guides you through the client-side specifics of the ASP.NET Web Forms Dashboard.
#Basic Configuration
Shows how to add the control into an existing ASP.NET Web Forms application.
Describes how to create dashboard storage to keep the created dashboards.
Describes how to provide a Web Dashboard with a set of default data sources that are available to users.
Register Default Data Connections
Shows how to provide a Web Dashboard with a set of predefined data connections.
Describes how to specify the Web Dashboard’s mode.
Shows how to specify a dashboard as a default.
Shows how to localize the Web Dashboard.
Shows how to avoid possible security risks when deploying a web application that contains the Web Dashboard.
Describes how to apply or customize the Web Dashboard’s theme.
Shows how to configure the control’s export settings.
Shows how to save the result of actions a user performs on the client.
Manage an In-Memory Data Cache
Describes the dashboard’s server-side data cache functionality, corresponding API, and how to update the cached data.
#Advanced Settings
Shows how to access the DevExtreme widgets.
Shows how to obtain underlying data from the dashboard data source and client data displayed within the dashboard item.