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Selection.CaretPosition Property

Returns the caret position in the sub-document.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor.RichEdit

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.RichEdit.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor.RichEdit


public int CaretPosition { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

The zero-based index of a text character that precedes the caret.


<DxRichEdit @bind-Selection="@selection" @ref="@richEdit" />

@code {
    DxRichEdit richEdit;
    Selection selection;
    @* ... *@
    /* Surround the code that contains an asynchronous operation with a try-catch block to handle
    the OperationCanceledException. This exception is thrown when an asynchronous operation is canceled. */
        try {
        @* ... *@
            // Insert a hyperlink to a URL
            var position = richEdit.Selection.CaretPosition;
            await documentAPI.Hyperlinks.CreateAsync(position, "Go to Google", "");
            @* ... *@
        catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(OperationCanceledException)} thrown with message: {e.Message}");
See Also