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Image.VerticalAnchorElement Property

Gets the element used to specify the image’s vertical position.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor.RichEdit

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.RichEdit.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor.RichEdit


public FloatingObjectVerticalAnchorElement VerticalAnchorElement { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

The vertical anchor element.

Available values:

Name Description

A floating object is aligned to a page.


A floating object is aligned to a line.


A floating object is aligned to a paragraph.


A floating object is aligned to the top or bottom page margin, or centered vertically.


A floating object is aligned to the top margin.


A floating object is aligned to the bottom margin.


Currently not supported and is treated as the TopMargin anchor element.
Floating objects are aligned to the top margin for odd pages, and the bottom margin for even pages.


Currently not supported and is treated as the BottomMargin anchor element.
Floating objects are aligned to the bottom margin for odd pages, and the top margin for even pages.


Use any of the following properties to define a vertical position of an image relative to its vertical anchor element:

Vertically aligns an image. If you set this property to a value different from None, the Rich Text Editor sets the VerticalOffset and VerticalRelativeOffset properties to 0.
Defines an image’s vertical offset in twips. If you set this property to a value different from 0, the Rich Text Editor sets the VerticalRelativeOffset property to 0.
Defines an image’s vertical offset in percentage.

Use the ChangePropertiesAsync method to change the vertical anchor element of the image.

<DxRichEdit @ref="richEdit" />

@code {
    DxRichEdit richEdit;
    Document documentAPI;
    @* ... *@
    /* Surround the code that contains an asynchronous operation with a try-catch block to handle
    the OperationCanceledException. This exception is thrown when an asynchronous operation is canceled. */
        try {
            documentAPI = richEdit.DocumentAPI;
            @* ... *@
            Image firstImage = await documentAPI.Images.GetAsync(0);
            @* ... *@
            await firstImage.ChangePropertiesAsync(properties => {
                if (firstImage.VerticalAnchorElement != FloatingObjectVerticalAnchorElement.Page)
                    properties.VerticalAnchorElement = FloatingObjectVerticalAnchorElement.Page;
            @* ... *@
        catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(OperationCanceledException)} thrown with message: {e.Message}");
See Also