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UploadControlSettings Members

Contains the UploadControl extension settings.


Name Description
UploadControlSettings() Initializes a new instance of the UploadControlSettings class with default settings.

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Name Description
AccessibilityCompliant Enables accessibility support.
AccessKey Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the ASP.NET MVC extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
AddButton Gets the settings of the Add button.
AddUploadButtonsHorizontalPosition Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the Add and Upload buttons within the add and upload buttons area.
AddUploadButtonsSpacing Gets or sets the vertical spacing between the add and upload buttons area and both the file input and the remove buttons areas.
AdvancedModeSettings Gets the Advanced Upload Mode settings.
AmazonSettings Provides access to the account settings required to upload files to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
Attributes Gets the collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control. Inherited from SettingsBase.
AutoStartUpload Gets or sets a value that defines whether the UploadControl extension will automatically upload the selected files.
AzureSettings Provides access to the account settings required to upload files to Microsoft Azure.
BrowseButton Gets the settings of the Browse Button button.
ButtonSpacing Gets or sets the horizontal spacing between the Add and the Upload buttons.
CallbackRouteValues Defines the callback routing logic by specifying the names of a Controller and an Action which should handle callbacks.
CancelButton Gets the settings of the Cancel button.
CancelButtonHorizontalPosition Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the Cancel button within the progress panel.
CancelButtonSpacing Gets or sets the vertical spacing between the progress bar and the Cancel button.
ClearFileSelectionImage Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Clear file selection button.
ClientEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the upload control is enabled on the client.
ClientSideEvents Gets an object that lists the client-side events specific to the UploadControl.
ClientVisible Gets or sets a value that specifies the initial visibility state of an UploadControl on the client.
ControlStyle Provides access to the style settings declared at the root level of the UploadControl’s wrapped web server control.
CustomJSProperties Enables you to supply any server data that can then be parsed on the client.
DialogTriggerID Gets or sets the ID of a web control or HTML element (or a list of IDs), a click on which invokes file upload dialog.
DropboxSettings Provides access to the account settings required to upload files to the Dropbox Service.
Enabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the MVC Extension is enabled, allowing it to respond to end-user interactions. Inherited from SettingsBase.
EnableTheming Gets or sets a value indicating whether themes apply to this extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
EncodeHtml Gets or sets whether to encode editor value and content. Inherited from SettingsBase.
FileInputCount Gets or sets the number of file input elements contained within an UploadControl.
FileInputSpacing Gets or sets the vertical spacing between the file input elements.
FilesUploadComplete Enables you to perform a custom action after the selected files have been uploaded to the server.
FileSystemSettings Gets settings allowing an upload control to upload files to the server’s physical file system.
FileUploadComplete Enables you to perform a custom action after a file has been uploaded to the server.
GenerateFileNameInStorage Allows you to specify a custom file name for the uploaded file.
GoogleDrivePersonalSettings Provides access to the account settings required to upload files to Google Drive (personal account).
GoogleDriveSettings Provides access to the account settings required to upload files to Google Drive.
Height Gets or sets the height of the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Init Enables you to perform custom actions when an extension is initialized. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Name Specifies the unique identifier name for the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
NullText Gets or sets the prompt text displayed within the UploadControl’s text box when no file is selected.
OneDrivePersonalSettings Provides access to the account settings required to upload files to OneDrive (personal account).
OneDriveSettings Provides access to the account settings required to upload files to OneDrive.
PreRender Allows custom processing to be implemented before the extension is rendered to the page. Inherited from SettingsBase.
ProgressBarSettings Gets the progress bar’s settings.
RemoveButton Gets the settings of the Remove button.
RemoveButtonSpacing Gets or sets the horizontal spacing between the file input area and the Remove button area.
RightToLeft Specifies whether to apply right-to-left representation to the extension.
SharePointSettings Provides access to the account settings required to upload files to OneDrive.
ShowAddRemoveButtons Gets or sets a value the specifies whether the Add and Remove buttons are displayed within the UploadControl.
ShowClearFileSelectionButton Gets or sets a value specifying whether the Clear file selection button is displayed.
ShowProgressPanel Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the progress panel is displayed within the UploadControl.
ShowTextBox Gets or sets if the text box is displayed.
ShowUploadButton Gets or sets a value the specifies whether the Upload button is displayed within the Add and Upload button area.
Size Gets or sets the width of the UploadControl’s edit box.
SkinID Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Style Gets a collection of all cascading style sheet (CSS) properties applied to an extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Styles Provides access to the style settings that control the appearance of the extension’s visual elements.
TabIndex Gets or sets the tab index of the control element of the web page. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Theme Gets or sets the name of the theme to be applied to the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
ToolTip Gets or sets a UI element’s tooltip text. Inherited from SettingsBase.
UploadButton Gets the settings of the Upload button.
UploadMode Specifies the control’s upload mode.
UploadStorage Gets or sets a value that defines the upload control storage.
ValidationSettings Gets the UploadControl’s validation settings.
Width Gets or sets the width of the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.

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Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also