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RichEditSettings Properties
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Contains the RichEdit extension settings.
Name Description
AccessKey Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the ASP.NET MVC extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
ActiveTabIndex Gets or sets the index of the active ribbon tab within the RichEdit.
AssociatedRibbonName Specifies the name of a Ribbon extension, used as an external toolbar.
Attributes Gets the collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control. Inherited from SettingsBase.
AutoSaveMode Specifies whether the autosave mode is enabled.
AutoSaveTimeout Gets or sets the timeout for autosaving.
CalculateDocumentVariable Allows custom processing to be implemented when the DOCVARIABLE field field is updated.
CallbackRouteValues Defines the callback routing logic by specifying the names of a Controller and an Action which should handle callbacks.
ClientSideEvents Gets an object that lists the client-side events specific to the RichEdit.
ConfirmOnLosingChanges Gets or sets the text of the confirmation message that is displayed when any unsaved data changes are going to be lost.
ControlStyle Provides access to the style settings declared at the root level of the extension’s wrapped web server control. Inherited from SettingsBase.
CustomActionRouteValues Defines the custom callback routing logic by specifying the names of a Controller and an Action which should handle custom callbacks initiated by the MVCxClientRichEdit.PerformCallback method.
CustomizeMergeFields Fires when the ‘Insert Merge Field’ command button is clicked, and enables you to customize a drop-down field list.
CustomJSProperties Enables you to supply any server data that can then be parsed on the client.
EnableClientSideAPI Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the RichEdit can be manipulated on the client side in code.
Enabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the MVC Extension is enabled, allowing it to respond to end-user interactions. Inherited from SettingsBase.
EnableTheming Gets or sets a value indicating whether themes apply to this extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
EncodeHtml Gets or sets whether to encode editor value and content. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Height Gets or sets the height of the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Images Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within the RichEdit.
ImagesRuler Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within the RichEdit’s ruler.
Init Enables you to perform custom actions when an extension is initialized. Inherited from SettingsBase.
InsertContentToClient Enables you to perform custom actions after the client insertContentFromServer command is executed.
Name Specifies the unique identifier name for the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
PreRender Allows custom processing to be implemented before the extension is rendered to the page. Inherited from SettingsBase.
ReadOnly Gets or sets a value indicating whether an end-user can change the editor’s contents at runtime.
RibbonMode Specifies the type of the RichEdit toolbar.
RibbonTabs Provides access to the collection of ribbon tabs.
Saving Allows you to implement custom saving logic.
Settings Provides access to the RichEdit’s main settings.
SettingsDocumentSelector Provides access to settings that are related to the FileManager used in some built-in File Dialogs.
ShowConfirmOnLosingChanges Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a confirmation alert should be displayed when any unsaved changes are going to be lost due to an end-user action.
ShowStatusBar Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the RichEdit’s status bar is displayed.
SkinID Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control. Inherited from SettingsBase.
SpellCheckerWordAdded Enables you to handle the spell checker when a word is added to a custom dictionary.
Style Gets a collection of all cascading style sheet (CSS) properties applied to an extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Styles Provides access to the style settings that control the appearance of the RichEdit elements.
StylesButton Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of button elements used by the RichEdit (within built-in dialogs, for instance).
StylesEditors Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of editor elements used by the RichEdit (for instance, within built-in dialogs).
StylesFileManager Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of File Manager elements used by the RichEdit (for instance, within the built-in file dialogs).
StylesPopupMenu Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of the RichEdit’s context menus.
StylesRibbon Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of the RichEdit’s ribbon toolbar elements.
StylesRuler Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of the RichEdit’s horizontal ruler.
StylesStatusBar Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of the RichEdit’s status bar.
TabIndex Gets or sets the tab index of the control element of the web page. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Theme Gets or sets the name of the theme to be applied to the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
ToolTip Gets or sets a UI element’s tooltip text. Inherited from SettingsBase.
ViewMergedData Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to display mail-merge field results or field codes in a document.
Width Gets or sets the width of the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
WorkDirectory Specifies the work directory.
See Also