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MVCxTreeListSettingsBehavior Properties
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Contains behavior specific settings of the TreeList.
Name Description
AllowAutoFilter Gets or sets whether filtering can be applied to the tree list data columns. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
AllowDragDrop Gets or sets whether end-users can reorder columns by dragging their headers. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
AllowEllipsisInText Specifies if ASPxTreeList can automatically truncate the cell texts if they don’t fit into the cell width. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
AllowFocusedNode Gets or sets whether the focused node is displayed. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
AllowHeaderFilter Specifies whether filtering using the header filter is allowed. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
AllowSort Gets or sets whether end-users can sort data. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
AutoExpandAllNodes Gets or sets whether all nodes displayed within the ASPxTreeList are automatically expanded when the ASPxTreeList is being loaded. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
AutoFilterRowInputDelay Gets or sets the time interval between the time a user starts typing within the Filter Row, and filtering is applied. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
ColumnResizeMode Obsolete. Gets or sets a value that specifies how columns are resized when an end-user changes a column’s width. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
DisablePartialUpdate Specifies whether the partial update feature is enabled. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
EnableCustomizationWindow Gets or sets whether the Customization Window is enabled. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
EncodeErrorHtml Gets or sets whether to encode error row content. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
ExpandCollapseAction Gets or sets how end-users can expand/collapse nodes. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
ExpandNodesOnFiltering Specifies whether the collapsed parent node should be expanded for filtering if a child node fits the filter conditions. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
FilterRowMode Gets or sets a value defining whether the Filter Row filter is applied automatically or on clicking the Apply button. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
FocusNodeOnExpandButtonClick Gets or sets whether the node is automatically focused after its expand button has been clicked. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
FocusNodeOnLoad Gets or sets whether the focused node is displayed when the ASPxTreeList is loaded for the first time. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
HeaderFilterMaxRowCount Gets or sets the maximum number of records that are scanned to populate a header filter dropdown with unique filter values. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
MaxPreviewTextLength Specifies the maximum length of the preview text. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
SortMode Gets or sets how the column’s data is sorted when sorting is applied to it. Inherited from TreeListSettingsBehavior.
See Also