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MVCxPivotGridFieldCollection Members

A field collection for the PivotGrid extension.


Name Description
MVCxPivotGridFieldCollection() Initializes a new instance of the MVCxPivotGridFieldCollection class with default settings.

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Name Description
Capacity Gets or sets the number of elements that the CollectionBase can contain. Inherited from CollectionBase.
Count Gets the number of elements contained in the CollectionBase instance. This property cannot be overridden. Inherited from CollectionBase.
DefaultFieldWidth Gets the default width of Field Value boxes. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
InnerList protected Gets an ArrayList containing the list of elements in the CollectionBase instance. Inherited from CollectionBase.
Item[Int32] Provides indexed access to individual fields in the collection. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollection.
Item[String] Gets the field with the specified id, name of the bound database field or caption. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollection.
List protected Gets an IList containing the list of elements in the CollectionBase instance. Inherited from CollectionBase.
ICollection.IsSynchronized Gets a value indicating whether access to the CollectionBase is synchronized (thread safe). Inherited from CollectionBase.
ICollection.SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the CollectionBase. Inherited from CollectionBase.
IList.IsFixedSize Gets a value indicating whether the CollectionBase has a fixed size. Inherited from CollectionBase.
IList.IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the CollectionBase is read-only. Inherited from CollectionBase.
IList.Item[Int32] Gets or sets the element at the specified index. Inherited from CollectionBase.
UseExtendedNameGeneration Gets or sets whether or not the full name of a data source field is used to generate PivotGridFieldBase.Name. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.

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Name Description
Add() Adds a new field to the collection.
Add(PivotGridField) Appends the specified field to the collection. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollection.
Add(PivotGridFieldBase) Adds the specified field to the collection. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
Add(Action<MVCxPivotGridField>) Adds a new field to the collection and allows you to customize this field in a delegate method implementation.
Add(String, PivotArea) Adds a new field with the specified field name and location to the end of the collection.
AddDataSourceColumn(String, PivotArea, PivotGroupInterval) Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollection.
AddDataSourceColumn(String, PivotArea) Creates a field from the specified data source column and add it to the end of the collection. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollection.
AddField(PivotGridField) Adds the specified field to the end of the collection. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollection.
Clear() Removes all objects from the CollectionBase instance. This method cannot be overridden. Inherited from CollectionBase.
ClearAndDispose() This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
Contains(PivotGridFieldBase) Indicates whether the collection contains the specified field. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GenerateName(String) Generates the default name of the pivot grid field by the name of the corresponding data source field. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that iterates through the CollectionBase instance. Inherited from CollectionBase.
GetFieldByClientID(String) This member supports the internal infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollection.
GetFieldByName(String) Gets a field in the collection by its name. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetVisibleFieldCount(PivotArea) Returns the number of visible fields displayed within the specified area. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
GroupFieldsByHierarchies() Combines fields into groups as specified by a cube’s structure on an OLAP server. This method supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be called directly from your code. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
IndexOf(PivotGridFieldBase) Returns the specified field’s position within the collection. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
OnGridDeserialized() This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
OnNameChanged(PivotGridFieldBase, String) For internal use. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
OnValidate(Object) protected Performs additional custom processes when validating a value. Inherited from CollectionBase.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Remove(PivotGridFieldBase) Removes the specified PivotGridFieldBase object from the collection. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
RemoveAt(Int32) Removes the element at the specified index of the CollectionBase instance. This method is not overridable. Inherited from CollectionBase.
SetFieldIndex(PivotGridFieldBase, Int32) Sets the index of the specified field to the specified value. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
ICollection.CopyTo(Array, Int32) Copies the entire CollectionBase to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array. Inherited from CollectionBase.
IList.Add(Object) Adds an object to the end of the CollectionBase. Inherited from CollectionBase.
IList.Contains(Object) Determines whether the CollectionBase contains a specific element. Inherited from CollectionBase.
IList.IndexOf(Object) Searches for the specified Object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire CollectionBase. Inherited from CollectionBase.
IList.Insert(Int32, Object) Inserts an element into the CollectionBase at the specified index. Inherited from CollectionBase.
IList.Remove(Object) Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the CollectionBase. Inherited from CollectionBase.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
UpdateAreaIndexes() Updates the location indexes of the fields in the collection as a result of modifying the visibility of the fields. Inherited from PivotGridFieldCollectionBase.
See Also