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HtmlEditorSettings Properties
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Contains the HtmlEditor extension settings.
Name Description
AccessibilityCompliant Enables accessibility support.
AccessKey Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the ASP.NET MVC extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
ActiveView Gets or sets the editor’s active view.
AssociatedRibbonName Gets or sets the name of the Ribbon that the HtmlEditor is associated with.
Attributes Gets the collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control. Inherited from SettingsBase.
CallbackRouteValues Defines the callback routing logic by specifying the names of a Controller and an Action which should handle callbacks.
ClientEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the editor is enabled on the client.
ClientSideEvents Gets an object that lists the client-side events specific to the HtmlEditor.
ClientVisible Gets or sets a value that specifies the initial visibility state of an HtmlEditor on the client.
ContextMenuItems Gets the collection of items displayed within the editor’s context menu.
ControlStyle Provides access to the style settings declared at the root level of the HtmlEditor’s wrapped web server control.
CssFiles Gets a collection of items that refer to external CSS files associated with the HtmlEditor.
CustomDataActionRouteValues Defines the custom callback routing logic by specifying the names of a Controller and an Action which should handle custom data callbacks initiated by the MVCxClientHtmlEditor.PerformDataCallback method.
CustomDialogs Provides access to custom dialogs added to the HtmlEditor.
CustomJSProperties Enables you to get server-side data on the client.
DocumentSelectorFileUploading Obsolete. Enables you to perform server-side processing of file upload operations initiated within the HtmlEditor’s built-in Document Selector.
DocumentSelectorFolderCreating Obsolete. Enables you to perform server-side processing of folder creation operations, initiated within the HtmlEditor’s built-in Document Selector.
DocumentSelectorItemDeleting Obsolete. Enables you to perform server-side processing of file/folder deletion operations initiated within the HtmlEditor’s built-in Document Selector.
DocumentSelectorItemMoving Obsolete. Enables you to perform server-side processing of file/folder move operations initiated within the HtmlEditor’s built-in Document Selector.
DocumentSelectorItemRenaming Obsolete. Enables you to perform server-side processing of file/folder rename operations initiated within the HtmlEditor’s built-in Document Selector.
EnableCallbackAnimation Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a specific animation effect is used when an editor’s content is updated via a callback.
Enabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the MVC Extension is enabled, allowing it to respond to end-user interactions. Inherited from SettingsBase.
EnableTheming Gets or sets a value indicating whether themes apply to this extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
EncodeHtml Gets or sets whether to encode editor value and content. Inherited from SettingsBase.
ExportRouteValues Defines the callback routing logic by specifying the names of a Controller and an Action which should handle callbacks related to exporting content.
Height Gets or sets the height of the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Html Gets or sets the HTML markup specifying the HtmlEditor’s content.
Images Provides access to the settings that define images for various HtmlEditor elements.
ImagesEditors Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within different editors used within the HtmlEditor and its dialog forms.
ImageSelectorFileUploading Obsolete. Enables you to perform server-side processing of file upload operations initiated within the HtmlEditor’s Select Image dialog.
ImageSelectorFolderCreating Obsolete. Enables you to perform server-side processing of folder creation operations, initiated within the HtmlEditor’s Select Image dialog.
ImageSelectorItemDeleting Obsolete. Enables you to perform server-side processing of file/folder deletion operations initiated within the HtmlEditor’s Select Image dialog.
ImageSelectorItemMoving Obsolete. Enables you to perform server-side processing of file/folder move operations initiated within the HtmlEditor’s Select Image dialog.
ImageSelectorItemRenaming Obsolete. Enables you to perform server-side processing of file/folder rename operations initiated within the HtmlEditor’s Select Image dialog.
ImagesFileManager Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within the FileManager’s elements.
Init Enables you to perform custom actions when an extension is initialized. Inherited from SettingsBase.
IsValid Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the editor’s value passes validation.
Name Specifies the unique identifier name for the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
PartsRoundPanel Obsolete. Provides access to the settings that define different parts of the round panel used within the HtmlEditor’s dialogs.
Placeholders Gets the collection of placeholders available in the HtmlEditor.
PreRender Allows custom processing to be implemented before the extension is rendered to the page. Inherited from SettingsBase.
RenderIFrameForPopupElements Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the editor’s popup dialogs are displayed above Java applets that may present on the web page.
RibbonContextTabCategories Gets the collection of ribbon context tab categories.
RibbonTabs Provides access to the collection of UrlDocument$16848#Ribbon.Visual Elements tabs.
RightToLeft Specifies whether to apply right-to-left representation to the extension.
RtfContentPastingProcessed Raised when the copied/cut RTF content is processed on the server.
SaveStateToCookies Gets or sets a value that specifies whether cookies are used to persist information about the HtmlEditor’s state.
SaveStateToCookiesID Gets or sets the name (identifier) of the cookie in which the HtmlEditor’s state is persisted.
Settings Provides access to the HtmlEditor’s main settings.
SettingsAdaptivity Provides access to the HTML Editor layout adaptivity settings.
SettingsAudioSelector Obsolete. Provides access to settings related to the Select Audio dialog.
SettingsAudioUpload Obsolete. Provides access to settings related to uploading audio.
SettingsDialogFormElements Provides access to settings relating to the customization of dialog form elements.
SettingsDialogs Provides access to the built-in dialogs’ settings.
SettingsDocumentSelector Obsolete. Provides access to settings that are related to the Document Selector dialog.
SettingsFlashSelector Obsolete. Provides access to settings related to the Select Flash dialog.
SettingsFlashUpload Obsolete. Provides access to settings related to uploading flash.
SettingsForms Provides access to settings that are related to customized built-in dialog forms (UserControls) stored within a web site.
SettingsHtmlEditing Provides access to settings that relate to editing the HTML markup.
SettingsImageSelector Obsolete. Provides access to settings that are related to the Select Image dialog.
SettingsImageUpload Obsolete. Provides access to settings that are related to uploading images.
SettingsLoadingPanel Provides access to the loading panel’s settings.
SettingsPlaceholders Provides access to placeholder settings.
SettingsResize Provides access to settings that are related to the HTMLEditor’s sizing capabilities.
SettingsSpellChecker Provides access to the spelling settings for checking the HtmlEditor’s content.
SettingsText Provides access to the settings that define texts displayed in different elements (tabs) of the HtmlEditor.
SettingsValidation Provides access to content validation settings.
SettingsVideoSelector Obsolete. Provides access to settings related to the Select Video dialog.
SettingsVideoUpload Obsolete. Provides access to settings related to uploading video.
SkinID Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control. Inherited from SettingsBase.
SpellCheckerCustomDictionaryLoading This event occurs when a custom spell check dictionary is being loaded into a session.
SpellCheckerWordAdded Allows you to perform custom actions when a new word is added to a custom dictionary.
Style Gets a collection of all cascading style sheet (CSS) properties applied to an extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Styles Provides access to the style settings that control the appearance of the extension’s visual elements.
StylesButton Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of button elements used by the HtmlEditor (for instance, within its dialog forms).
StylesContextMenu Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of the editor’s context menu.
StylesDialogForm Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of the editor’s dialog forms.
StylesEditors Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of editor elements used by the HtmlEditor (for instance, within its dialog forms).
StylesFileManager Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of File Manager elements used by the HtmlEditor (within the Select Image dialog).
StylesPasteOptionsBar Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of the editor’s paste options bar.
StylesRoundPanel Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of round panels used by the HtmlEditor (for instance, within its dialog forms).
StylesSpellChecker Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of elements used within the built-in Spell Checker’s dialog forms.
StylesStatusBar Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of the editor’s status bar.
StylesToolbars Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of toolbars.
TabIndex Gets or sets the tab index of the control element of the web page. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Theme Gets or sets the name of the theme to be applied to the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
ToolbarMode Specifies the type of the HtmlEditor toolbar.
Toolbars Gets the collection of toolbars in the HtmlEditor.
ToolTip Gets or sets a UI element’s tooltip text. Inherited from SettingsBase.
Width Gets or sets the width of the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase.
See Also