ComboBoxSettings Properties
Contains the ComboBox extension settings.Name | Description |
AccessibilityCompliant | Enables accessibility support. |
AccessKey | Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the ASP.NET MVC extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
Attributes | Gets the collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
CallbackRouteValues | Specifies the names of a Controller and an Action that handle callbacks. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
ClientEnabled | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an editor is enabled on the client. Inherited from EditorSettings. |
ClientVisible | Gets or sets a value that specifies the initial visibility state of an editor on the client. Inherited from EditorSettings. |
ControlStyle | Provides access to the style settings declared at the root level of the extension’s wrapped web server control. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
CustomFiltering | Enables you to specify filtering rules before the server-side filtering. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
CustomJSProperties | Enables you to supply any server data that can then be parsed on the client. Inherited from EditorSettings. |
DisabledStyle | Gets the style settings which define the editor’s appearance in the disabled state. Inherited from EditorSettings. |
Enabled | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the MVC Extension is enabled, allowing it to respond to end-user interactions. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
EnableTheming | Gets or sets a value indicating whether themes apply to this extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
EncodeHtml | Gets or sets whether to encode editor value and content. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
Height | Gets or sets the height of the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
Init | Enables you to perform custom actions when an extension is initialized. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
ItemRowPrepared | Enables the settings of individual rows to be changed. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
ItemTextCellPrepared | Occurs on the server side before a text cell has been rendered. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
LoadingPanelDelay | Obsolete. Gets or sets the delay before displaying the loading panel in the editor. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
LoadingPanelImage | Gets the settings of an image displayed within a Loading Panel. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
LoadingPanelImagePosition | Obsolete. Gets or sets the position of an image displayed within a loading panel. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
LoadingPanelStyle | Gets the style settings of a specific loading panel displayed while waiting for a callback response. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
LoadingPanelText | Obsolete. Gets or sets the text to be displayed within a loading panel while waiting for a callback response. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
Name | Specifies the unique identifier name for the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
PreRender | Allows custom processing to be implemented before the extension is rendered to the page. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
Properties | Provides access to the settings that are specific to the ComboBox editor. |
ReadOnly | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an end-user can modify an editor’s value. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
RightToLeft | Specifies whether to apply right-to-left representation to the extension. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
SelectedIndex | Gets or sets the selected list item’s index. |
SettingsLoadingPanel | Provides access to the loading panel’s settings. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
ShowModelErrors | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether or not model error messages should be automatically displayed for the editor when its value validation fails. Inherited from AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings. |
SkinID | Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
Style | Gets a collection of all cascading style sheet (CSS) properties applied to an extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
TabIndex | Gets or sets the tab index of the control element of the web page. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
Theme | Gets or sets the name of the theme to be applied to the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
ToolTip | Gets or sets a UI element’s tooltip text. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
Width | Gets or sets the width of the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
See Also