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BootstrapBinaryImageEditProperties Members

Contains settings specific to a binary image editor.


Name Description
BootstrapBinaryImageEditProperties() Initializes a new instance of the BootstrapBinaryImageEditProperties class with default settings.
BootstrapBinaryImageEditProperties(IPropertiesOwner) Initializes a new instance of the BootstrapBinaryImageEditProperties class with the specified owner.


Name Description
AlternateText Gets or sets the alternate text displayed instead of the image when the image is unavailable. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
AlternateTextField Gets or sets the data source field that provides alternate texts to the image editor. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
AlternateTextFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the image’s alternate text. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
BinaryStorageMode Gets or sets a value that specifies the storage of binary data. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
ButtonPanelStyle This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
ButtonStyle This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
Caption This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
CaptionCellStyle This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
CaptionSettings This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
CaptionStyle This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
ClientInstanceName Specifies the editor’s client programmatic identifier. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ClientSideEvents Gets an object that lists the client-side events specific to the ASPxBinaryImage. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
ConvertEmptyStringToNull Gets or sets a value that specifies whether empty string values are converted to a null reference when an inplace editor’s value is retrieved from a data source field. Inherited from EditProperties.
CssFilePath This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
CssPostfix This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
DeleteButtonImage This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
DescriptionUrl Gets or sets the location of the image’s detailed description. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
DescriptionUrlField Gets or sets the data source field which contains locations of image detailed descriptions. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
DescriptionUrlFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the location of the image’s detailed description. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
DisplayFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the editor’s value for display purposes. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
DropZoneStyle This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
EditingSettings Provides access to the binary image editing settings.
EmptyImage This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
EmptyValueTextStyle This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
EnableClientSideAPI Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the editor can be manipulated on the client side via code. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
EnableDefaultAppearance Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
EnableServerResize Specifies whether an image is resized by the control on the server side, or it is sent to the server side in original size and resized by a browser. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
EncodeHtml Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the editor’s value and element content is rendered as pure HTML, or HTML markers are stripped out. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ExportImageSettings Provides access to settings that are applied to an exported binary image. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
ImageAlign Gets or sets the alignment of the image control in relation to the other items on the web page. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
ImageHeight Gets or sets the height of the image displayed within the editor. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
ImageSizeMode Gets or sets the value specifying how an image fits into the control sizes. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
ImageUrlFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the URL that points to the image displayed in the editor. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
ImageWidth Gets or sets the width of the image displayed within the editor. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
InvalidStyle This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
IsPng Obsolete. For internal use only. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
LoadingImageUrl Specifies a custom loading image. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
NullDisplayText Gets or sets the text displayed within the editor’s edit region when the editor’s value is null. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
OpenDialogButtonImage This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
ParentImages This property is not in effect for the EditPropertiesBase class. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ParentSkinOwner For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ParentStyles This property is not in effect for the EditPropertiesBase class. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ProgressBarIndicatorStyle This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
ProgressBarStyle This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
RootStyle This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
ShowLoadingImage Specifies whether the loading image is displayed while the main image is being loaded. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
StoreContentBytesInViewState Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the editor’s content (represented by an array of bytes) should be stored within its view state between postbacks, Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
Style This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.
ToolTip Gets or sets the binary image tooltip text. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
ToolTipField Gets or sets the name of a data field that provides the tooltip text for images. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
ToolTipFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the image’s tooltip text. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
ValidationSettings This member is not in effect for this class. It is overridden only for the purpose of preventing it from appearing in Microsoft Visual Studio designer tools.


Name Description
Assign(PropertiesBase) Copies the settings of the specified object to the current one. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
CreateDisplayControl(CreateDisplayControlArgs, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
CreateEdit(CreateEditControlArgs, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
CreateEdit(CreateEditControlArgs, Boolean, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetDisplayControlDefaultAlign() For internal use only. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
GetDisplayText(CreateDisplayControlArgs, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetDisplayText(CreateDisplayControlArgs, Boolean, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetEditorType() For internal use only. Inherited from BinaryImageEditProperties.
GetExportDisplayText(CreateDisplayControlArgs, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetExportNavigateUrl(CreateDisplayControlArgs) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetExportValue(CreateDisplayControlArgs) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RequireDataBinding() For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ToString() Returns the string that represents the current object. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
See Also