- 2 minutes to read
The DevExpress Unified Component Installer installs demos for each product. Demos are divided into two types: Sample Applications (real-world applications built with a combination of DevExpress controls) and Technical Demos (which highlight the primary features of a particular product).
To see DevExpress demos in action, run the Demo Center application from the Windows Start menu (All Programs | DevExpress 24.2 | Demo Center 24.2) or via the executable file located in the directory in which DevExpress products were installed (“C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos 24.2\Components\Components\Bin\DevExpress.DemoCenter.v24.2.exe“ by default).
In the Demo Center, click Bootstrap to view available feature-based demos.
Solution files (with C# and VB.NET source code) for technical demos are included in the installation – to demonstrate how to use DevExpress controls. Run a solution from the corresponding directory to see the source code for a specific demo (“C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos 24.2\Components\…”).
#DevExpress Bootstrap Controls - Demo Locations
DevExpress Bootstrap demos are available online at the following link:
You can find links to individual demos in the table below.
Root demo folder: “C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos 24.2\Components\…”
The table below provides links to online demos, and relative paths to offline demos.
Category | Demos |
Grid View |
Card View |
Charts |
Scheduler |
Spreadsheet |
Rich Text Editor |
Navigation |
Layout |
Editors |
File Manager |
Range Selector |
Sparkline |