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WeeklyRecurrenceValuesAccessor Members

An object providing access to an ASPxClientWeeklyRecurrenceControl‘s editor values.


Name Description
constructor(recurrenceControl) Initializes a new instance of the WeeklyRecurrenceValuesAccessor object. For internal use only.


Name Description
GetDayNumber Gets the number of the month’s day in which the appointment is scheduled. Inherited from DefaultRecurrenceRuleValuesAccessor.
GetMonth Gets or sets the month’s number. Inherited from DefaultRecurrenceRuleValuesAccessor.
GetPeriodicity Gets the number of weeks between appointment occurrences.
GetWeekDays Gets the days of the week on which a weekly recurrent appointment is scheduled.
GetWeekOfMonth Gets the number of the week in a month when an appointment is scheduled. Inherited from DefaultRecurrenceRuleValuesAccessor.
See Also