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ASPxClientWebChart Properties
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Represents the client-side equivalent of the WebChartControl control.
Name Description
annotations Provides access to the chart’s collection of annotations.
appearanceName Gets the name of the appearance, which is currently used to draw the chart’s elements.
chart Gets the chart that owns the current chart element. Inherited from ASPxClientWebChartElement.
chartControl Gets the client-side Chart Control that owns the current chart.
crosshairOptions Gets the settings for a crosshair cursor concerning its position and appearance on a diagram.
cssPostfix Gets a css postfix for a chart.
diagram Gets the chart’s diagram and provides access to its settings.
legend Gets the chart’s legend and provides access to its settings.
legends Returns the collection of legends.
paletteName Gets the name of the palette currently used to draw the chart’s series.
selectionMode Gets or sets a value which specifies how the chart elements are selected.
series Provides access to the chart’s collection of series.
showCrosshair Gets a value indicating whether a crosshair cursor should be shown.
showPointToolTip Gets a value indicating whether point tooltips should be shown.
showSeriesToolTip Gets a value indicating whether series tooltips should be shown.
titles Provides access to the collection of chart titles.
toolTipController Returns the tooltip controller that shows tooltips for chart elements.
toolTipPosition Gets a value that contains information on how the tooltip position is defined, for example, relative to a mouse pointer or chart element.
See Also