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ASPxClientHtmlEditorYouTubeDialog Members

Provides client functionality for the YouTube Video dialog within the ASPxHtmlEditor.

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Name Description
GetAllowFullscreenCheckBox Provides access to the client object of the “Allow fullscreen” check box in the Html Editor’s “Insert YouTube Video” dialog.
GetBorderColorColorEdit Provides access to the client object of the “Border color” color editor in the Html Editor’s dialogs (Style Settings). Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorEditElementDialog.
GetBorderStyleComboBox Provides access to the client object of the “Border style” combo box in the Html Editor’s dialogs (Style Settings). Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorEditElementDialog.
GetBorderWidthSpinEdit Provides access to the client object of the “Border width” spin editor in the Html Editor’s dialogs (Style Settings). Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorEditElementDialog.
GetBottomMarginTextBox Provides access to the client object of the “Bottom margin” text box in the Html Editor’s dialogs (Style Settings). Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorEditElementDialog.
GetCancelButton Provides access to the client object of the “Cancel” button in the Html Editor’s dialogs. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogBase.
GetConfidentModeCheckBox Provides access to the client object of the “Enable privacy-enhanced mode” check box in the Html Editor’s YouTube Video dialog.
GetCssClassNameComboBox Provides access to the client object of the “CSS class” combo box in the Html Editor’s dialogs (Style Settings). Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorEditElementDialog.
GetFormLayout Provides access to the client ASPxFormLayout object that arranges all editors in the Html Editor’s dialogs. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogBase.
GetLeftMarginTextBox Provides access to the client object of the “Left margin” text box in the Html Editor’s dialogs (Style Settings). Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorEditElementDialog.
GetOkButton Provides access to the client object of the “OK” button in the Html Editor’s dialogs. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogBase.
GetRightMarginTextBox Provides access to the client object of the “Right margin” text box in the Html Editor’s dialogs (Style Settings). Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorEditElementDialog.
GetShowPlayerControlsCheckBox Provides access to the client object of the “Show player controls” check box in the Html Editor’s YouTube Video dialog.
GetShowSameVideosCheckBox Provides access to the client object of the “Show suggested videos when the video finishes” check box in the Html Editor’s YouTube Video dialog.
GetShowVideoNameCheckBox Provides access to the client object of the “Show video title and player actions” check box in the Html Editor’s YouTube Video dialog.
GetTopMarginTextBox Provides access to the client object of the “Top margin” text box in the Html Editor’s dialogs (Style Settings). Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorEditElementDialog.
See Also