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MVCxGanttColumn Members

Represents a gantt’s column.


Name Description
MVCxGanttColumn() Initializes a new instance of the object.
MVCxGanttColumn(String, String) Initializes a new instance of the object.
MVCxGanttColumn(String) Initializes a new instance of the object.


Name Description
AllowEllipsisInText Specifies if the column’s cell texts can be automatically truncated if they don’t fit into the cell width. Inherited from TreeListDataColumn.
AllowSort Gets or sets whether end-users can sort data by the column’s values. Inherited from TreeListDataColumn.
Caption Gets or sets the text displayed within the column header. Inherited from WebColumnBase.
CellStyle Gets the style settings used to paint column cells. Inherited from TreeListColumn.
Collection Gets the collection to which an item belongs. Inherited from CollectionItem.
DataCellTemplate Gets or sets a template for displaying data cells within the current column. Inherited from TreeListDataColumn.
DisplayFormat Gets or sets the formatting applied to column values. Inherited from TreeListDataColumn.
FieldName Specifies a column’s field name.
FilterExpression Gets the column’s filter expression. Inherited from TreeListDataColumn.
Gantt Gets the Gantt control that owns the current column. Inherited from GanttColumn.
HeaderCaptionTemplate Gets or sets a template for displaying the column header‘s caption. Inherited from TreeListColumn.
HeaderStyle Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the column’s header. Inherited from TreeListColumn.
Index Gets or sets the item’s index within the collection. Inherited from CollectionItem.
MinWidth Gets or sets the minimum width of the column. Inherited from TreeListColumn.
Name Gets or sets the unique programmatic identifier name for a column. Inherited from WebColumnBase.
PropertiesEdit Gets the column editor’s settings. Inherited from TreeListDataColumn.
ShowInCustomizationForm Gets or sets whether the column’s header is displayed within the customization window when the column is hidden. Inherited from TreeListColumn.
SortIndex Gets or sets the column’s position among sorted columns. Inherited from TreeListDataColumn.
SortMode Gets or sets how the column’s data is sorted when sorting is applied to it. Inherited from TreeListDataColumn.
SortOrder Gets or sets the column’s sort order. Inherited from TreeListDataColumn.
ToolTip Gets or sets the column header’s tooltip text. Inherited from WebColumnBase.
Visible Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the column is visible. Inherited from WebColumnBase.
VisibleIndex Gets or sets the column’s position among the visible columns within a web control. Inherited from WebColumnBase.
Width Gets or sets the column’s width. Inherited from WebColumnBase.


Name Description
Assign(CollectionItem) Copies public properties from the specified CollectionItem object to the current object.
AutoFilterBy(String) Applies a filter to the column. Inherited from TreeListDataColumn.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
IsClickable() Indicates whether the column responds to mouse clicks. Inherited from WebColumnBase.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
OnColumnChanged() For internal use only. Inherited from WebColumnBase.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
SetColVisible(Boolean) For internal use only. Inherited from WebColumnBase.
SetColVisibleIndex(Int32) For internal use only. Inherited from WebColumnBase.
SetDataCellTemplateContent(Action<TreeListDataCellTemplateContainer>) Allows you to provide a template to render a data cell for the current column.
SetDataCellTemplateContent(String) Allows you to provide a template to render a data cell for the current column.
SetHeaderCaptionTemplateContent(Action<TreeListHeaderTemplateContainer>) Allows setting a template for displaying the column header’s caption.
SetHeaderCaptionTemplateContent(String) Allows setting a template for displaying the column header’s caption.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from TreeListColumn.
Unsort() Clears the sorting applied to the column. Inherited from TreeListDataColumn.
See Also