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MVCxFormLayoutGroup Members

Represents an individual layout group within the FormLayout extension.


Name Description
MVCxFormLayoutGroup() Initializes a new instance of the MVCxFormLayoutGroup class with default settings.
MVCxFormLayoutGroup(String) Initializes a new instance of the MVCxFormLayoutGroup class with the specified caption.


Name Description
AlignItemCaptions Gets or sets whether the layout item captions are auto-aligned independently within each layout group. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
BackColor Gets or sets the current layout group’s background color. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
BackgroundImage Gets the layout group’s background image. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
Border Gets the layout group border settings defined by the current style. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
BorderBottom Gets the settings of the bottom layout group border. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
BorderLeft Gets the settings of the left layout group border. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
BorderRight Gets the settings of the right layout group border. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
BorderTop Gets the settings of the top layout group border. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
Caption Gets or sets the text displayed in the layout group. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
CellStyle Gets the style settings that define the cell appearance. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
ClientVisible Gets or sets a value that specifies the layout item’s initial visibility state on the client. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
Collection Gets the collection to which an item belongs. Inherited from CollectionItem.
ColumnCount Gets or sets the number of columns. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
ColumnSpan Gets or sets a value specifying the number of columns the Form Layout item occupies. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
CssClass Gets or sets the name of the cascading style sheet (CSS) class associated with the current layout group. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
GridSettings Gets the settings related to the Form Layout’s adaptive grid layout. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
GroupBoxDecoration Gets or sets the group box decoration type. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
GroupBoxStyle Gets the style settings that define the group box appearance. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
Height Gets or sets the layout item height. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
HorizontalAlign Gets or sets the current layout item’s horizontal alignment. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
Index Gets or sets the item’s index within the collection. Inherited from CollectionItem.
Items Provides access to the collection of items placed in the current layout group.
Name Gets or sets the unique identifier name for the current layout item or layout group. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
Paddings Gets the padding settings of a layout group. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
ParentContainerStyle Gets the style settings that define the layout item’s parent container appearance. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
RowSpan Gets or sets the number of rows that the layout item spans. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
SettingsItemCaptions Provides access to the layout item caption settings within a layout group. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
SettingsItemHelpTexts Provides access to the help text settings within a layout group. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
SettingsItems Provides access to the layout item settings within a layout group. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
ShowCaption Gets or sets a value that defines whether to show or hide the layout item’s caption. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
SpanRules Provides span rules settings. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
TabImage Gets the settings of an image displayed by the item when it is contained in the tabbed layout group. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
UseDefaultPaddings Specifies if the layout group is displayed with default paddings, or the paddings should be hidden. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
VerticalAlign Gets or sets the current layout item’s vertical alignment. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
Visible Gets or sets a value specifying the visibility of the current layout item or group. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
VisibleIndex Gets or sets a value specifying the position of the current layout item or group amongst the visible items in a group (or at a control’s root level). Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
Width Gets or sets the layout item width. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.


Name Description
Assign(CollectionItem) Copies the settings from the specified CollectionItem object to the current object. Inherited from LayoutGroup.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FindItemByFieldName(String) Returns a layout item by its field name. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
FindItemByPath(String) Obsolete. Returns a layout item by its path. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
FindItemOrGroupByName(String) Returns a layout item or group object with the specified LayoutItemBase.Name property value. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
FindNestedControlByFieldName(String) Returns a control that is nested into the layout item with the specified field name. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
ForEach(Action<LayoutItemBase>) Performs the specified action on each element of the current collection. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetNestedControlValueByFieldName(String) Returns a value of a control that is nested into the layout item with the specified field name. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns the string that represents the current object. Inherited from CollectionItem.
See Also