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Storing the Chart Layout

  • 3 minutes to read

This document explains how a chart’s layout can be saved and restored.

A chart’s layout contains information about the chart’s series and other elements, as well as their settings.

If chart series are manually populated with points, the layout also includes information on point arguments and values.

If a chart is bound to a data source, the information about series data members is included. Thus, when restoring the layout to another chart, you should simply reassign the chart’s ASPxDataWebControlBase.DataSource property.

You can save and/or restore the layout of your WebChartControl in one of the two following ways.

Save and Restore the Layout at Design Time

At design time, a chart’s layout can be quickly saved to an XML file by clicking the chart’s smart tag and choosing Save… in its actions list.


Then, simply specify the path and name for the XML file.


Afterwards, click a chart’s smart tag and choose Load… in its actions list to restore this layout.


Save and Restore the Layout at Runtime

At runtime, a chart’s layout can be saved either to an XML file or to a memory stream, and then programmatically restored from it. The table below contains methods to store a chart’s layout.

Methods used to save and restore a chart, grouped by platforms, are listed below.

Platform Member Description
ASP.NET WebChartControl.SaveToFile Saves the chart’s layout to the specified file.
WebChartControl.SaveToStream Saves the chart’s layout to the specified stream.
WebChartControl.LoadFromFile Restores the chart’s layout from the specified file.
WebChartControl.LoadFromStream Restores the chart’s layout from the specified stream.
ASP.NET MVC ChartControlSettings.SaveToFile Saves the chart’s layout to the specified file.
ChartControlSettings.SaveToStream Saves the chart’s layout to the specified stream.
ChartControlSettings.LoadFromFile Restores the chart’s layout from the specified file.
ChartControlSettings.LoadFromStream Restores the chart’s layout from the specified stream.
XtraReports XRChart.SaveToFile Saves the chart’s layout to the specified file.
XRChart.SaveToStream Saves the chart’s layout to the specified stream.
XRChart.LoadFromFile Restores the chart’s layout from the specified file.
XRChart.LoadFromStream Restores the chart’s layout from the specified stream.

The following example demonstrates how to save a chart to a memory stream, and then restore it.

using System.IO;
// ...

Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
// ...

// Save the chart.
stream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

// Load the chart.
stream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
See Also